
6 years, 5 months ago by parama karuna das in Personal Sadhana Reports

TlgaSP pamhr

Hare Krishna querido Gurudev, muchas gracias siempre por su asociacion.

tengo el deseo de saber como entender este problema el papa de una devota muy querida por mi es iniciado hace mas de 20 años y El toma cerveza alcohol y come pescado mariscos etc yo pienso q no es buen ejemplo para su familia porque ellos quieren ser devotos pero El las confunde. su esposa lo sigue porque asi El lo demanda, yo trato de ayudar a tener un buen estandar como devoto cada vez que los visito pero temo que el padre pelee conmigo se moleste y eso afecte la relacion que tengo con su familia. 

Si desea saber mas detalles para que ud sepa mas sobre como ayudarme as a diksa please let me know because its very important to me. You said to me that you can help me in many ways so please Gurudev help me in this way, thank you very much.

Your servant 

Parama karuna das

HpS - Jaya. AgtSP.    We will write simply so that translate.google.com can make a good translation. Thank you for the letter. We can ony help in limited ways. We are a small Jiva just like you, but we are trying to do something. For example, we maintain the full morning program on line, we work hard to answer mail in this Blog, we travel, we are pushing Ministry of Education in Latin America.

We don't have the ability to go into the details of many situations. Our basic advice is the advice that Chanakya Pandita gives: Victory comes from good advice and good advice comes from many counselors.

Then there is NOI 4 and 5 and 10 which give the basic and pretty extensive ideas about how to associate with different people. You have to apply these NOI principles to be happy and to be a good example for others. You can talk to the family based upon scripture, Prabhupada's words. If that does not work, then you can set a good example. Yad Yad acarati sresthas.

In the end everyone has free will, so the Papa, Mama, Hija... all have to make the decision that Arjuna made to give up the association of bad family members and take Krsna's association. It is dificult.

Many counselors.

We give general principles but you should talk with devotees, people, who know the family and then get advice from them how to proceed.   For example, real marriage is not marriage of two people. It marriage of two families.