6 years, 6 months ago by apsaragopi in Personal Sadhana Reports


All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

Please receive my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

HpS - AGTSP!!!   Lettuce feet.

My very dear Gurudeva, Hare Krsna.

I write to you after a long time,

HpS - ASA --- Yes!!   It is true!

... with the slight hope of being rescued from my illusion, prostrate at his lotus feet I weep for his mercy. Almost two years ago I introduced you, the one that I thought would be my husband, Abhay prabhu, son of prabhu Om Kesavaya, at that moment, many things happened. Krishna took me out of the illusion and now I continue to crawl through the suffering, suffering that the klesas cause me.  We finished the relationship, however I feel,  I lost my way.

I broke principles, I do not sing rounds, my mind has confused me, I am afraid, my health has deteriorated.

HpS - It could be worse.

To awaken from my lethargy, Krishna is hugging me very hard or he is hitting me very hard. I do not know.

I wanted to make in my refuge to a jiva who was not willing to guide me to krsna, now I can glimpse some light by going the right way, I try to sing rounds little by little, I try to understand that the plans of krsna are perfect  and that my only refuge are  You and Krsna.

HpS - Srila Prabhupada!!   Nice ISKCON devotees.   Nice Mormons....  Nice Spring days.  Supersoul.    Srila Prabhupada's books.

Gurudev, today more than I know I have doubts, I do not know how to offered  this suffering to Krishna and get the most out of this situation, the sufferings are like the seasons, just as they are coming, they go away ... only I am not managing to overcome this test.

I pray before my deities to protect me and directions, that I understand;  that they are the only friend, the only Supreme refuge, the only perfect husband who will never leave me alone or unprotected.

unfortunately I am in this body, whose fragility makes me feel the desire to be cared for and protected.

Please accept my apologies for any offense you have committed at your feet, please allow me to return to the shelter of your lotus feet.

This life without his mercy has no meaning and lacks any taste.

Eternally at your service

Apsara Gopi devi dasi

HpS - You should have written sooner.

Problem is that you have had nice experience ini Krsna consciousness and now you are addicted to  Krsna. You may go up. You may go




n but you can't escape from Vrndavana town.   Just take this one medicine to start with.  Until the next Ekadasi fix some number of rounds that you KNOW you can do every day. It can even be one, but then send your declaration here and no matter what you mind says, DO IT. Rupa Goswami, Srila Prabhupada say that this is a guaranteed way to make progress.

O.K. Waiting to hear from you. There is a lot of work to do and we need you!!!