Hare Krsna!
AGTSP. TB here!! Brother Ass is really falling apart. Soon we will have Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease. Srila Prabhupada writes, maybe in the first cantos, that modern people do not know the horrors that await them in old age from engaging in immature sex. Basically a boy should remain celibate until 25 years old. Then his full male nervous system is developed.
We can see that by engaging in Bhaki yoga even at a late age it has helped us enormously compared to our contemporaries. Yet the damage is done from early years of illicit activiites.
Dance on fire until the end. Music is your only friend.
This seems like essential advice.
Can we "dance" fast enough in Sri Krsna Sankirtan to keep these old age horrors in check?
SKS is all pervasive. When we iron our cloth each morning we stand on one foot and chant etc. It is very enlivening. You can dance while you are sitting and teaching in the class room.
How we live determines how we will be born.
O.K. Answered some mail. Comments are for everyone. Now we go for our walk with NGD along the river.