Report - July 2018

6 years, 5 months ago by Bhakta Miguel Ángel in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories be to Your Lordships Sri Sri Goura Nitay.
All glories be to Srila Prabhupada.

Please Maharaja accept my most humble obeisances.

Before telling you about my current situation regarding sadhana or questions that have been generated, I wanted to thank you in advance for your response letter sent to me by Bhakta Piero during the period you were visiting in the temple of Buenos Aires, Argentina. And the other thing is the joy that I generated when watching your video doing exercises related to yoga.

Well, today I am living independently from my parents' house (two weeks ago), and I share my daily life with my girlfriend. She also attends the temple of Santiago de Chile, sings Hare Krishna and offers food to the Lord. For what I have lived in this period has been somewhat drastic, mainly because of the adaptation to a new place, but always clung to my conviction and faith towards Srila Prabhupada and his mission.

On the other hand, my rounds have been increasing day by day, I felt more need to sing, read and associate with devotees who inspire and encourage my spiritual life. That makes me very happy. However, through these practices some questions have been generated in me, linked to the relationship between devotees. One of them is how to fight and prevent the mind from developing a somewhat haughty attitude and as a result you get to see mistakes in others? I appeal in the relationship between devotees and non-devotees.

For the moment that is one of the questions that revolve in my head, and of course, I appreciate your time to read and answer my story.

Again, I offer my humble obeisances and I thank the Lord and Prabhupada for being present in my life.

Hare Krishna!

HpS - ASA ---   Thank you for your letter.   I don't exactly understand the question, "how to fight".    Hmmm?   Do you mean like Arjuna was fighting?    He was fighting with non-devotees and someone like Bhisma can be a devotee.  Do you mean fighting between devotees, and between devotees and non-devotees?

In all cases the answer would be that for our own personal honor we don't require anything: trnad api sahishnuna..  Siksastam.  We just see others good qualities and don't worry about our own.  Krsna sees our efforts perfectly and He will reward us, but for Krsna's honor, the honor of His devotees, then we take action.

In this case there is also no profit for our honor. We cannot become haughty because any result is for Krsna or the devotee.


Always try to be the well wisher, even of your 'enemy'. Don't become your enemies, enemy.  Always try to serve everyone by awakening their sprititual nature and then you won't be proud.

O.K?   This is to the point?

Maybe give specific example.