From a vary common man in Seattle.

6 years, 6 months ago by stopngo in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to the devotees.

As in per assignment.

As they taught you in engineering, if it works, don't fix it.

It works vary well. being self taught in most things it takes me awhile, usuall by trial and error, mostly by error.


Yes it's easy to glorify the messenger, but the true glories come from the source his divine grace srila Prabhupada.

I live in Seattle,and am a vary common demon.

When not being a demon my Seva is harinam sankitan, usual every Saturday 12pm to 230pm, then to university district where I join Hari valise [vilas].who just started a free pasadam food truck, also with harinam and book distribution. we served 160 meals last Saturday,which is good since it's summer break. a huge homeless problem here.

Hari valise has a solution to the homeless problem and has two farms to provide himsa milk, and varnashrum, don't have reliable transportation and all the time, so not able to help out much.

Big anandamala festival this July 28,29. Big turnout.

The devotees are like a desire trees in Seattle they just keep giving and giving, but of course I don't appreciate them.

Enough of your time. thanks for your association.


HpS - Esteemed Ordinary Demon!     Do you have any photos of the food for life truck?   Who do you meet in your daily life?   No reliable transport, but where do you domicile?   In the country???    Got a day job??