Hello, my name is Bhakta Fred,
I'm a friend of Bhakta Tom. We used to go to the same High School and both knew Wally Chan. Do you smoke or drink? Am I correct in understanding that members of this ASA don't smoke or drink?
That seem pretty good.
I gave it up a while ago because I could see it was killing me, but what do you do when you're bored?
I asked Tom that and he said that he just chanted, "Hare Krsna/Hare Rama" and in a few moments an idea would pop into his head about what he could do for Lord Nrsmhadeva, your ASA deity.
I tried it. It worked.
I can see that you if you don't wanta be bored, you gotta get the big things planned first: What do I want to do this year, lifetime? How can I make a big impact on the world, so that people will stop thinking so much?
I mean 90% of the world's problems are from people who think too much.
I mean they think and make atom bombs... boom!
Then they think and figure out birth control pills, boom! Then there is no meaning to keeping company with the opposite sex except for gross connection like baboons once a year.
Think, think, think.... machines, robots, plastic food, village life in the shadow of the metropolis . . . forgotten.
O.K. I just wanted to say, "Hello". Tom said he would publish this letter for me. He's a good guy, even though at times a little gross!
Your friend,
Fred Gutz