Ureaka I struck gold

6 years, 6 months ago by stopngo in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Still Prabhupada.

HH Humanumantpresaka please accept my obeisances.

HpS - ASA --- AgtSP!

You're Grace, I'm so fortunate to finally [have] figured out how to get your association and I feel I struck gold to be able to see how a Sannyasi deals with a platitude of situations and challenges that this world puts us in.

HpS - Ya gotta keep 'ur chin up, Mate!

You've showed me that you are person that I can dedicate my life to and try to do some kind of Seva in this world.

HpS - ASA - Huh!?     We showed you that???    You must be misinterpreting the data.   AGTSP!   We are like a link to Srila Prabhupada, but not perfect, so get others also eg. His books!!

If there's any way I can provide services in India, Australia or anywhere on the planet,vthis monkey will try to stay out of the way.

Thanks for your patience and mercy on allowing me access into the inner sanctum.

HpS - This is like the middle sanctum. The inner is reserved for madmen like Lord Caitanya.  '@'pop~ 

One "service" you can do, is to look at your life from the viewpoint of a common guy in your country, write it down and send it here.

Ys.mike Jarvis

HpS - ASA -- Servant of your servants...