Bhakta Piero from Chile

6 years, 7 months ago by Piero Saavedra Torchio in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Obeisance Maharaja. 

I´m faigthin [fighting] with the demoniac mind, as long as i´m with a real pure person, my mind gets very bad, the bad dog. I want to keep my self constantly in the devotional service, i´m just a principiant, but a realy want advance to puify my self, in that way, can be able to comply with your instructions.

Is very difficult realize that i´m a very fall soul, my false ego is so strong, but I think that this thought is essential to chant a better japa.

I want serve you all the time, learning english, in yours preachings programs, by sankirtan, chanting better japa and the necesary to please you.

i´ve been thinking about interviewing senior devotees to know the histoy of ISKCON Chile. 

At the end of Agust, with other devotees we go to do a preaching program in Cabildo, the place where i born. 

So, I want to serve. Thank you for yours instructions.

Hare Krsna Maharaja. One soul more, Bhakta Piero from Chile.

HpS - Everyone has the same challenge that you do. I have the same challenge. I am different than you. You are different than Amara-gauranga Das. He is different from Parasurama Das...  Venus has different relation with the Sun than Mars, but all of us can fight to improve our service. Find new ways to get the association of a really pure person, Srila Prabhupada. We sit in our cottage looking at the wall. Then we see there is a rocking chair almost in front of us and a framed picture of Srila Prabhupada up on the shelf that we cannot see. We moved the chair in front of us and put the picture of Srila Prabhupada on the chair. Now at him we can stare and feel his presence.

What will you do to increase your Krsna consciousness today?