sadhana report from chile

6 years, 8 months ago by Bhaktin Fernanda L. in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances

i hope this letter find you great

So much time wishing write you, and now at last i found a moment...

now we finish the first period of book distribution at universities (we finished for a while because they are in vacations now), with a new partner, Citra devi dasi (whose GM is Sankarshan das adhikari) so exiting this time in the adventure of books distribution, Citra encouraged me to go by my self on saturdays (because she could not go that days) and it was an amazing challenge for me, always remembering you...thinking that i was not alone, i was with the georgeus company of you and Srila Prabhupada by vani seva, and the deities in the form of books, it forced me to enter in a mood of constant praying, and it forced me to surrender again and again to Srila Prabhupada´s mision, it is a big big bless for me this service of book distribution, unbelievable thinks happened!!!, i had so much wishes of sharing all this experiences with you, but i was full time, because as i said you in other letter i think, this service is in general in the evening journey, so my sadhana was a little different, ( i arrived home at 11 pm)  thats why i didn´t join to start meeting this last time....but it was worth it...i promise

About my husband and family situation, thanks krishna, everything is so much better, he is going to therapy, making the effort of overcome his anarthas (me too of much to improve) , we are chanting our rounds together in the morning at 5 am, and then he goes to work at 7, my children wake up at 7.30 aprox, so i clean them and change their clothes, and we wake up the deities, (simple offering: water, inciense, camara) then a little kirtan (my little daugther´s´favorite part) ...we are trying to make homeschool, reading aruddha dd, and Urmila dd has been so much inspiring ..... well and also i try to read krishna book to my children, the favorite passtimes of Syam (my oldest son) is the Aghasura passtime, kaliya and appearance of krishna for the specific part when mention ananta Sesa... so he loves all about snakes! jajaj

And now with a group of matajis who are mothers too, we are creating a whatsapp group for reading Srimad bhagavatm together, reading loudly and recording the lectures for each other, making turns for reading, and meeting once a month to comment our reading...

So in summary, overcoming this hard proof at last, finally smilling again, utsaha returning to my heart and mind, and say godbye to depression and sad times...thanks for all your supports in this time, without you i am nothing. 

(Now in Chile we have the trasceendental presence of Maharaj Bhakti Busana Swami, my husband´s Guru, Krishna is so kind with us)

your insignificant servant

Indu-lekha dd

HpS - Jaya!!!!       Monkey, Piggy, Uncle Gismo, the Supreme Undiferentiated Absolute Comando of ASA, hereby confer upon you the Order of Hero of Rama Monkeys. (Medal Attached).    Best of wishes to everyone.   Next challenge. Distribute books but also try to make book distributors! Try to distrubute several books to people. That is easier than one book sometimes because this is the age of Kali and Sankirtan is the Yuga dharma, not Jnana-yoga, success by study!

Waiting for your news.

Your family will be great.