6 years, 8 months ago by trivikrama das in Personal Sadhana Reports


Dear Gurudev
I am Trivikrama das desde chile.

HpS - ASA --  Yes, we have heard of you!   Famous guy. Memorized the entire Santiago phone book,no?

I write to you because I am concerned with the title of "our eyes starting to fall apart" I hope that in all you are well, in line with the previous letter he has not an engineering diploma, I do not have that kind of intelligence, is a graduate of administrator of digital communities, I finish it this month and I learned several "techniques" many are applicable to diffusion modes for the sankirtana movement, I am preparing a project oriented to the new generations with the learned tools, we continue with our service of cooking for the deity, and I worship Sri Sri Gaura Nitay in my house, it has been hard to work during the day and study at night but with a clear objective and with the help of Caitanya Mahaprabhu I do not intend to decline, I continue with my rounds and regulatory principles.

eternally your servant
Trivikrama das

HpS - Very good news!!  You are a great hero.  Always be looking for surprising mercy from Krsna.  Expect the unexpected!!!       Chances to preach in very good way.  More news in a few weeks!