SitaS Report

6 years, 7 months ago by Sita Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, 

Please accept our respectful obeisances.

All the Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

Gurudeva,  You asked us (in your previews answer to our letter) to send a drawing of Sri Pancamukha Hanuman. So we tried and here we have a very simple drawing, we didnt make an effort to make them come out the same to be honest, actually its very different and I dont know how.. sorry for that. Still we liked it besides all the mistakes.. I will make more drawings of Them so I can send Them. We take Sri Pancamukha Hanuman with us in a kind of waist bag that can also be a backpack and a normal bag. We wake Them up and then ask Them to sleep at night.. sometimes flowers or incense. It made me think twice the idea of having children because its a big responzability.. and we know.. it will be very nice when it becomes more natural.

Sadly we still have the desire of raising children..

ASA - Why sad?   You can have Bh. Siddanta sarasvati for your child.

Such a huge, dificult and amaizing respozability we want to have.. crazy, sad or a big opportunity ?. Gurudeva, I hope You still remember the "muchacho Sergio", when we talked I asked You if he could attend some of Your classes, You said yes and he was there in two of them, now he has some questions. I haven't asked my older god-brothers yet so I dont know if he can, Im just getting ahead to ask you Gurudeva if he could write You a letter, from my account maybe. We forgot to ask and now we are here writing.. too late.. so sorry for that. We are trying to improve and improve!. Parents help a lot. We find happines in Krsna consciousness. Really thankful. We dont want to be a burden Gurudeva so we are still fighting. Srila Prabhupada ki Jaya !.  Please forgive our offenses Gurudeva. 

Su aspirante a sirvienta,

Sita Lalita devi dasi.

HpS - Why can't Sripad Sergio write here??   Would be very nice for us to hear from him. He must have valuable opinion, perspective, on life!!

Are you study art? Prahlada ananda Das erased all the picture files by mistake when he changed to this new system. So you Pancha mukha Hanuman did not come. Can you please send again?

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