Greetings to Guru Maharaj

6 years, 7 months ago by David Leyton in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to GouraNitay

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to you Guru Maharaj


Please accept my humble reverence and forgive me for my affront because of my ignorance.


I’m Dandakaranya Das. How are you, Guru Maharaj? Do you feel better from the earache?

HPS - AgtSP  Never had ear ache. Had. Have. Eye ache. Little better. Thank you.

My wife and I are fine. I continue with the Temple service in Santiago. I was 3 years doing service for Prabhupada’s festivity in charge of the services of this party. I was buying plates and glasses and I’ve been cooking for deities every Sunday at midday for 10 months. I cook chapatis, dhal, sabji, rice, sweet rice and juice or tea. My wife often helps me to cut vegetables and clean the kitchen. I also continue fulfilling the four principles and chanting 16 rounds every day.

HpS - Super. Super. Super. Krsna will give you more and more service.

I’ve felt very disappointed and tired since long ago because of some problems I had with my spiritual brother who is in charge of the kitchen during Prabhupada’s festivity. He was speculating about me and this made devotees feel anxious and brought me some problems with the temple administrators. He’s constantly been violent towards me. Once, he almost had a strong argument with another brother and offended his family in the kitchen. The problem was that I didn’t want to leave my Friday service but I had to since after the argument I had with the cook, he threaten to throw me out of the temple and hit me. I told this to the administrators but they didn’t take it into consideration.

HpS - Terrible!

Maharaj, I’m really sorry for not replying you during all this time. I’m ungrateful. I have no excuses. I hope you’re in good health and comfortable where you’re staying in.


Greetings to Guru Maharaj

HpS - Krsna does not neglect His devotes. He gives proper reaction to everyone. What work are you doing?