Hare Krsna Maharaj

6 years, 7 months ago by lakshmi108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

Please accept my humble obeisances!

Thank you for your reply Maharaj! Always so inspiring and illuminating :) 

Thank you for answering my unlimited questions... I will keep coming with more XD. 

A club, you say? How can I do this? What will the paramaters of this club? Hare Krsna music? Karmi music? Dance floor? It is a very interesting idea.. The notion of a club will attract many people :)

HpS -- HK/HR!!!!!       A really good example is the ISKCON Tucson, Arizona,USA Temple .... Chaitanya Cultural Center. That is the way it is labeled on the nice wall. Then there is a restaurant that wins awards: https://www.govindasoftucson.com/

Then there is a fish pond with a roaring water fall with beautiful fish. A two story tall aviary, a gift store that is like a trip to the best museums in India, juice, bar patio, and th regular temple activities in terms of Aratis, festivals, Japa yoga..

Maharaj, our family is planning to visit India and Azerbaijan during December time... We are going to visit Papa's family.. They are missing us so much :( Is it possible for you to visit end of January? In that way we will be able to have your holy association!!

HpS - I think I posted that it is like 78% sure that we would go to India in the end of November and then leave in March. We were thininking it would be nice to visit Australia again during that time. We ould like to meet artists, poets, scientists.  Do you have exact dates?  It will be cold in India then. In Punjab it will be brutal I think.

I am quite passionate about art in fact. I like to do dot painting. I have painted so many pictures, including Baladev (Everything is painted in dots). Water colour painting, however, is a little diffcicult to master. And I'm not very good at it XD. 

Although art is a very nice, creative subject, much of a career cannot be made out of it. Only when artists are dead do they make perhaps $40 million. Perhaps art can be used in other ways, for example, design? I don't know, I will have to see... I am trying so many things. I can even study something in Uni but still do all these other things. Maybe that way I will find my passion. 

HpS - Exactly, try a lot of stuff. You may discover talents you did not know you had.  Again, it is not so much what you know as who you know. Look for good teachers and dont worry too much about the subject they are teaching. Develop skills that will fit into your family, society situation.  For example, communication is a good skill for ISKCON.

I have told Bheemsen of the profession you suggested XD. He's asking if he can be a detective? :P 

As always, I hope your health is in best condition! 


Yours servant,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Lakshmi

HpS - We have been working hard all day on these eduational programs. Now we have to run to see our mechanic and then visit NGD.      Again, do you have dates for India fixed?   Would it not be better to visit in Spring or Fall (in India)?   Our respects to your very solid Uncle.