<samp> PAMHO</samp>
<samp> AGTSP</samp>
<samp> Dear Gurumaharajai</samp>
<samp> hope you are very well, I am studying a diploma course, which makes me very busy, sorry for not having written before. I am singing my rounds and following the regulative principles, I continue cooking for the deity, I worship Sri Sri Gaura Nitay and by special mercy I am taking care of Srimati Tulsi devi, finished the diploma that I mentioned I will finish the preparation for the "bhraminic" exam to have the "paperwork" ready for your next visit to Chile, I attach some images of offerings of Raja Bhoga </samp>
<samp> Thank you very much for your birthday message,</samp><samp>Narayan gave it to me thanks for such a nice detail </samp>
<samp> your eternal servant </samp>
<samp> Trivikrama das</samp>
<samp>ASA - Thank you!!! Are there Tulasi leaves on the offerings?? What is the Diploma, Civil Engineering?</samp>