I was listening one day yor lecture Maharaja

6 years, 9 months ago by Nanuk in Special Category B

;) PAMHO!!

and I was..

<i heard u talking about Texas bumper stickers, but according to red thread , the plot of the VERY preaching.... to make it,,, whole lie, perfect , purposefull and successful, and the google search words,,, most max. searched,,,,,,,, so isn't girl bumper stickers the thing Maharaja??

sincere, humbleservant, N


Fovaas, foundation-of-vedic-arts-and-sciences.org

feminine,  old, vaastu, arts, academy, society, girls' volley ball......

couchin, enough militancy for youth <img alt="cool" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/shades_smile.png" title="cool" width="23" />

HpS -  Ha!   Ha!    Ha!     Hare.    Now I would tend to think you are a robot as does Nama-acharya Das, but I saw you on a video conference once, quite handsome.

We don't deal with girl's volley ball.    Zero.    Bumper stickers: Have two ideas.


Forget the damn dog



Better to Reign in Hell

Than Serve in Heaven

One for the marginal devotees to come in. The other for demons to increase their bravo. The second is from Paradise Lost.

Are you reading Bhagavata literatures regularly?

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