
6 years, 8 months ago by Namacarya das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja

here is Nama reporting to Vraja (you)


I haven’t wrote here lately

‘cos been busy with school greatly


It is like this: family, job, japa and security

plus added lectures and exams, it took energy severely


School is nearing the end

in about ten days it will be completed


In nine months I went through 40 exams


HpS - ASA - Wow!!!


Most were with best marks, thanks Krsna and His attendants


I think and meditate on you daily

It comes smoothly and naturally


Of course, there is much more to write and discuss

For now, hope these few words will be enough


Your aspiring servant writes this simple song

Being grateful for your loving gong



HpS - Then you can't post the new disciples on the list right now?