ASA Goes to Iberia? (Your Vote!)

6 years, 9 months ago by purnamasidevidasi in Calendar Development

Dear Gurudeva:

Please, accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you for your answer. I am very happy to know that you will come to Spain soon. Those dates sound great to me. I will be back to school the 3rd of September. But until then, if Krishna wants, I could follow you and listen to your instructions.

Hoping your eyes are better when reading this letter.

Your servant,

Purnamasi devi dasi

HpS - Talking with others the dates seem O.K.   So far. Can Jayanta Das check with the Yatra authorities.   School starts Sept 3rd.     Krsna appears (Janmastami) on Sept 3rd.

READERS:   Is O.K.    ASA >>>  Spain ~29th Sept   ....   Janmastami    3rd Sept   ....   Spain>>>>  USA 12 Sep.