All glories to Nrshimha Dev!

6 years, 8 months ago by Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All glories to Guru Maharaj HpS!! Please accept our humble obeisances . 

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

We had amazingly blissful celebrations at Nrshimha Caturdasi on 29th of last instant. Mataji Bimala DD had arranged 7 pujaris from Chennai and needless to say....the celebration was indescribably transcendental. Guru Maharaj would you please tell me what the tip of the middle finger of right hand of Nrshimha represent? The ring finger too. There was this brilliant sparkle at the middle finger.

HpS - Jaya!    We don't know much about Mudras except empirical experience.   Maha-mudra = Both hands together in Pranams.

We got to listen to pastimes of our Nrshimha from Bimala mataji. We are sending some photos. Mataji has constructed a pond just adjoining the temple and the construction work is almost in the final stages. Very soon, Mataji informed us that Mahalaxmi will be installed. On 28th , the pujaris performed Laxmi Nrshimha Vivah after the Adivash. It was a late evening programme and unfortunately we could not attend. Mataji had specially offered silver dress for Nrshimha.....we liked whatever was adorned to Nrshimha on that day...somehow....the orchids bloomed....Nageshwara bloomed...magnolias..lillies....jasmine....

We are observing Purusottam maas. Somehow everytime the best flowers always lands at Jagannath's feet these days. Reading BG 15th chapter daily on our own. Guru Maharaj which diet is preferable for this month? And  any specific saadhana that we need to observe?

HpS - We don't see any mention of this month by Srila Prabhupada in his books???    So, regular service, 16-rounds, 4-principles etc. is of course always great.  Make the changes that you see in your personal journey that increase your Krsna smaraman, Sankirtana, Japa!    The Manipuri program in Mexico was great.  Only hope that there can be more connection. Bring Manipuri culture to the West through Mexico.

Chandan Yatra Das Prabhuji was here with us sometime back and he said he would be writing something about Manipuri Vaishnavism. We got to read Prabhuji's bog in IDT today. We accompanied his sweet family for Manipur pilgrimage . They are based at Australia. We are sending the link

HpS - We saw his pamphlet on line. It was very good!    We archved it and think that we can use it in our Sankirtan.

We had wonderful association with HH Siddarth Maharaj. Maharaj narrated sweet pastimes of Srila Prabhupada while he served Srila Prabhupada. It was like we were transported in another world. Thank you Guru Maharaj for all the mercy and blessings.

HpS - We do not know Maharaja?   Where is he from?  What was his previous name??

We are continuing with our Sunday Nagarkirtans. Today....we had SB 2.7.7 , the sloka is so beautiful.

Guru Maharaj how do we learn Deity worship without offence?

HpS - Of course in the age of Kali deity worship is based upon Sankirtan, Harinama. So good rounds> good Puja! Then read the offenses in the NOD and try to avoid them!!

We continue to wait patiently for Guru Maharaj's darshan

Your ignorant servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - Thank you for your letter.  We are working on the travel now.  Next letter is from Manipur also.  Wonderful photos.