SitaS Report

6 years, 9 months ago by Sita Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva,

Please accept our respectful obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!

We hope to find You Gurudeva in good (better) health. As You know Gurudeva, we went to Cusco to know what kind of arragements we had to do to continue studying in Fine Arts, they told us that we can continue our studies starting in August so is the plan so far. The subjects have changed to better! more practice.

ASA - Aacha, hai!    TlgaSP.   He must have arranged this for you.

At the moment, we are living in our grandparents house(Lima) waking up early and closing the door to chant our rounds. We decided to tell our grandmother that we have also our rosary beads.. and she understood very well since she also has her own rosary beads. However, still with some debts, fewer debts than before. Following our principles nicely, we think we could be more strict!

HpS - Very nice.  Get some association. Get a girlfriend for a Japa partner: "How many rounds do you have done?"   ...  "Only 10-my cat was trying to eat my canary and I had to chase them around the kitchen for half an hour!" .... "O.K. See you after school!" 

We are visiting our parents house also very very often with so much love!. I remember when I could talk with You Gurudeva here in Lima, Your advice was that I just had to follow, chant 16 good rounds and principles and everything will be more auspicious and more harmonious, suffering finishes.. (things we forget because we dont read as we should) well, I thought “well thats what I am doing so I just have to continue”. Now, I can experience that the intention and heart apart from attention (and more) are also very important.. direcction or goals?.. still conditional really. Also more will. More Gayatris.

HpS - Fine print at the bottom of the contract: 16-enthusiastic rounds, 4-principles strictly ie. without regular morning program we can't chant enthusiastic rounds. If there are eggs in the cookies or (in the boy friend) then we will get stupid thoughts to disturb our rounds.

I also remember that when we talked some months ago, You mentioned the panca-anga-bhakti, one of them “worship a form of the Lord and Tulasi Maharani”. So we thought about it many times.. we were going to go and buy a deity so we could worship a form of the Lord Krsna!

HpS - We have our baby!! Picture below!

That was the plan until a god-sister we estimate [esteem] told us that it was better to wait for Him to come, when He wants it.

HpS - Hmm!   That is Rukmini, Candravali's mood.

So we went to Cusco, came back and when we go to our parents house, Dad gives us a murti of Sri Pancamukha Hanuman. We almost cried because it was what we were waiting. Now we need Your advice or permission Gurudeva, to worship and carry Them with us. We willl do our best to follow every word and advice. Forever thankful.

Que el Señor Nrsimhadeva lo proteja siempre.. we pray. Please forgive our offenses and our bad english Gurudeva.

Su aspirante a sirvienta,

Sita Lalita devi dasi.

HpS - Send picture of Pancha mukha Hanuman!   He is very frightening to the ghosts. Maybe you are destined to become the most powerful (White) witch in Peru (along with your Brother).

Picture.  Picture.   NO!    A drawning.