ABC - Daily SB Class

6 years, 8 months ago by hps in Special Category B

Hare Krsna, Prabhus and Prabhinis,
TB, here.

We just finished our Daily SB class from the ASA camp in Murfreesboro. Last year at the North American Symposium on Education in Seattle we gave SB class in the morning and noticed how Srila Prabhupada included it as a requirement in our society. Our realization was that all the Bh. Vai., Bh. Vedanta, study systems that we are developing are very weak unless they include, are even based upon regular, daily SB classes amongst the Yatra. That is how we would primarily identify the Yatra. Not primarily as those people who attend worship the the Deities in a certain Templel building.

Of course, this is a big topic, but here we are just giving a summary.

The main thing was that we were tired. We are confused by our Sankirtan battles but as a regulative principle, order of our Spiritual Master, we had to have Daily SB class. We have tried with several different Yatras/Temples to get this going but have not been able to do it. We even went to the local GBC and could not get a satisfying arrangement. Now we are going to two or three other GBCs and the Ministry of Education, and as they also seem to be confunded like this as others, then we have a right to go to Srila Prabhupada directly. We have a right, responsibility to start it here in our ASA. So, we did it.

It was hard.

Yet, we have finished one week.

Have you got a Bhakti-vedanta curriculim going??

No. We are first going to keep our taste and satisfaction in the matter. Then we are going to see how others join us and learn what is there taste and satisfaction and Sankirtan needs and then out of that a natural system will develop. May take some time but it will have a very strong foundation.

That was our deep realization and satisfaction today. We were not attending, doing the class out of our head. It was coming straight from the heart. "Sraddha sabda..." and we were feeling sure that we don't have to think, speculate, at all how to expand the class. The class, Bhakti-yoga, will do that automatically.

Maybe you can join our class. Maybe you can't but then maybe our class will inspire others.

What do you think?

We could say more but what is your perspective?