On Saturday, May 5, 2018, 3:02:42 AM CDT, Paul OSullivan, prana das wrote:
Hare Krishna Dear Devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisnaces. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
1. I am requesting information about the status of sales of SV series including the picture dictionary (Which the Goloka Trust now have as an asset in their portfolio)
2. The status of the SV 2 publication – printing and distribution plan
3. Audit figures of available stock in hand – full break down
4. Plans for completion of SV Bk 3
5. Overall plan for the future development, marketing and distribution of the materials.
Please note that we have no official position on the IP of the Sanskrit materials – nothing is yet signed.
I would suggest that in light of the responses to the above questions we might review the current status quo. Whatever will be best for the interest of all stakeholders, most importantly, the potential end users.
I have been going to contact the US Goloka Foundation for a long time, but unfortunately, my health had taken a turn for the worse and I had obvious other priorities. When I received the diagnosis I was Vice Principal of the New Govardhan School in Australia, in charge of the secondary college. Now I will perhaps focus on personal projects, tutoring and online development as I can no longer make long term commitments to school expectations.
Although they are keeping my position open I don’t see myself back in that role for a long time to come, if ever again. Therefore, I have a renewed interest to push the Sanskrit agenda and I have some channels to achieve some degree of success. I have had recent communications with the CEO of Avanti schools (before diagnosis) as well as home schoolers in Australia who are still keen to take the resources. I am confident that other ISKCON Schools will be interested once we have a complete package for them to utilise (and they know it is available).
Let’s have another look at the IP and make a realistic decision on where it will best flourish and serve as many stakeholders as possible. It is no use if the resources simply gather dust in someone’s godown for the next 20 years. However, if the resources are moving and the projections look healthy then no need to change the status quo. That’s a decision that will be best taken by your core members in the Trust, whom I have full respect for and faith in your decision-making capacities. You are all much more experienced in number crunching than I will ever be and therefore I leave it in your capable hands.
Please get back as soon as possible as I have to begin a new chapter in my life. I am currently in Malaysia, 3 weeks into an Ayurvedic treatment for cancer and will be finished here in 2 weeks time. I will fly back to Melbourne and either start Chemo or remain solely on the Ayurvedic medicine depending on the progress of the tumour. Either way I will be anxious to get back into some form of livelihood, depending on Krishna’s master plan of course.
Ys Prana dasa
ASA - Hare Krsna,
Prana Das et al,
First please accept our humble obeisances and in general we have been talking about you and your good fortune. Lucky rascal! Got notice of your transfer. Probably end up being a classmate of Nimai in Nadia. Get milk sweets made by Mother Saci. Damn rascal! Leaving all of us here in Tennessee.
In general, I and NIOS don't have much going with the Sanskrit initiative directly. We bought about 30 or the full sets a few years ago. We tried about three different schemes to get them moving, even translated the Teachers Guide into Spanish, but nothing systematic is happening. Krsna Culture in Texas continues to sell the few sets we have with them.
The Goloka Foundation is not doing anything yet. We are keeping it running as a place holder only and any work right now is being done through NIOS, which again is some beginning, though serious efforts by RGD and Mother Ambica.
They are using your system to some extent in Goswami School in Houston I think. Harilila Das will respond about that.
Personally I am always trying to develop systematic education based upon NOI. I have wanted for a long time for someone to develop a little Sanskrit education booklet that will be the same pocket size as the NOI.
Hari-venu had a little intro that helped me a lot.
I think there is a BIG difference between Sanskrit learning for old folks (above 7-years old) and kids who grow up with it. At 30-years or any age we can develop a Practical Knowledge, something we can use in our practices of investigation and preaching, but real fluency usually seems to have to start from childhood, no?
Very happy to hear from you and be of any service.
HpS - ASA - NIOS (Goloka Foundation (A Texas non-profit corporation))