M. Umilla Devi Dasi Novel!

6 years, 8 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports
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Urmila/Edith Best <urx x x x @gmail.com>

To:Hanumat Praseka Swami,<button data-test-id="icon-btn-printer" tabindex="-1" title="Print" type="button"></button>

<button data-test-id="icon-btn-printer" tabindex="-1" title="Print" type="button"></button>Apr 27 at 11:10 PM

<button aria-label="This message is not starred" aria-pressed="false" data-test-id="icon-btn-star" tabindex="-1" title="Star" type="button">Dear Hanumat Praseka Swami,</button>Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
I’ve published a Krishna conscious novel in English, about 200 pages. Very senior devotees have found it enlivening and helpful for their own devotional practice, ISKCON youth have found it a fun and inspiration al read, and those with no background in Krishna consciousness have also really liked it. The language and presentation are very suited for preaching to a Western audience, yoga people, and anyone open to Eastern spirituality. I can arrange for bulk shipments. Would you be open to helping me distribute it? (It is  a fictional allegorical story of the journey to Krsna prema, based on Jada Bharata's Forest of Enjoyment in the Fifth Canto, Lord Caitanya's instruction to Sanatana Goswami on Sarvajna, and Raghunatha dasa Goswami's Sri Manah Siksa.) Right now I have a US printing, and will soon have an Indian printing.


Here’s the link on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Essence-Seekers-Beyond-Forest-Enjoyment/dp/1987703464/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

Your servant, Urmila devidasi


HpS - ASA --- Thank you Mataji, We just got back to USA after a 11-weeks tour of Nashville, Atlanta, Richmond, Houston, Mexico City, Peru (6-stops), Bolivia (2-stops), Brazil (3), Argentina (4) etc. Our "gas-tank" is on zero but our heart is very happy. There is excellent preaching going on.

We just posted your letter and this answer in our Blog at:        We hope people will read your book and send reviews to 'Viplavah'.

Contact us as needed.