Hare Krsna Maharaja. PabloParikrama.

6 years, 9 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports

<cite>Hare Krsna Maharaja!</cite>


<cite>Agt Gaura Nitai</cite>

<cite>How are You? I hope You're better than your conjunctivitis.</cite>

<cite>HpS - Much better but still right eye is still distorted.</cite>

<cite>Here in Nueva Vrajamandala everything is fine. I'm doing the service with the fields.</cite>

<cite>HpS - Hmmm!    You must be a saint or insane!    Everything fine in the material world.</cite>

<cite>Thanks to Radha Govinda Candra, my sadhana is fine. My rounds are good rounds (at least for me).</cite>

<cite>I am going to Vrajamandala Parikrama this year, I will also be in Vrndavan in Katyayani vrata</cite>

<cite>Varuna is fine. He tells me he's singing every day, at night, before going to sleep ... it's possible not every day ... hahaha, but some days for sure ... it's nice. He is beginning to understand what is important, in some way. I am trying to introduce him into the knowledge of the inner or higher being, and of the external or lower self. Introspection.</cite>

<cite>I ask him how is his relationship with Krsna and the child Jesus, and he says "very well". Agree!</cite>

<cite>I have seen classes of Yourself in Lima and Mexico, sooo nice classes and is a pleasure see You in video.</cite>

<cite>I've also seen the Art and the Sacret movie, in Spanish, so beautiful ... one of the best movies I've seen. Amazing exhibitions It get to my soul.</cite>

<cite>I hope you have had very good celebrations of Sita and Nrsimha.</cite>

<cite>Here I leave a poem in image. It is as if the author were thinking of Vrndavan, and that he is far from Vrndavan and Krsna.</cite>


<cite>The story of Princess Kaguya. Studio Ghibli.</cite>

<cite>HpS - AgtSP.   We hope you and Yadunandana Swami and all the rest are on the airplane when NVM and R-G- Chandra take off - zoooooom - for the Spiritual World.   We hope to be in Spain within the next few months. When is a good time to come?</cite>