
6 years, 9 months ago by Nick Delffs in Personal Sadhana Reports

Thank you for all of your enlivening  responces, Maharaja.

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP!!!!   Sorry it has taken a week to answer this letter!   Traveling we are constantly meeting with devotees and no time to handle anything but URGENT mail!!!  We are back in our Base Camp now.


The sun is rising at 6:52 here in Boise. I have been waking up at 4am. I am trying to see the bed as an enemy and cultivate the desire to play in Prabhupada’s band.

HpS - Super Dog!!  (See attached photo).

My apologizes for the two letters that were similar. I thought the first one didn’t get posted so I wrote it again. I am still getting acquainted with the blog here.

HpS - ASA ---  Another sign of a pure devotee . . . NOI Three. 

I will give you an update in a month. 


Thank you again, Maharaj. 

Your aspiring servent, 


HpS - You seem to be on the right path and making enormous progress. At this pace we shall get to The Emeral City in just a few more days and then meet The Wizard of Oz and he can tell us how to get back to Kansas (or rather Goloka!).   Thank you so much.   Will your family come for the initiation???