NIOS Nashville

6 years, 10 months ago by hps in Special Category A

NGD - Texts:
Next 'Soul Food Sunday' topic is Truthfulness:The foundation of all Virtues what should we present Maharaj.

ASA - Texted:
HK/HR - Why not print out SB 1.14, Disappearance of Sri Krsna, as a hand out. Explain that SB competes as the essence of all religious life and moral principles from the Bengali spiritual tradition, and that here is a description of the coming of the current age, the dark age.     Read some of the English and Sanskrit. Then just comment that in the following chapter, chapter 17, it is further explained that all the virtues stand on four pillars and mention them. Then explain that they disappear in each age until in the last age only truth is left., which of course, is the valiant goal of the sciences, but even that is diminishing, but there is one good hope, congregational recitation-singing of the glories of God will save all those who take shelter of Them. Make the handout as a link to and give our contact info!