6 years, 9 months ago by laksmana-agraja in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna, dear (Dear) Grumahaja (Guru Maharaja), Pamho, AGTSP!

ASA - The same to you!!!  AgtSP. Paoho...

Well, I think there´s a little confusion regarding to Chosica program.

I've being talking to Nitya kinkary mataji about the program. Karuna Krishna prabhu is arriving soon from Brazil, so everything have to be confirm with him.

Coordinations are not very well and trying to explain that it is like a useless exercise. 

Anyway, M. Nitya and I were trying to emsemble different things waiting for P. Karuna. I presented your first suggestions but M. Yugala changed most of it. I don't now why.

ASA - Maybe see is applying what she, me, Gandhava, KKD discussed at the retreat before we left Lima.

This is the picture so far with my suggestions also.

Friday 2o you arrive and stay in Callao

Saturday SB class in Wilson. I suggest that you can stay for a little while there talking to people and go to Chosica and rest a little so you are ready for the evening program.

HpS - Yes, but probably chance to meet with people on Friday. Then, yes, Saturday SB in Wilson seems fair. Saturday in Wilson, Sunday in Chosica (A different kind of city).

According to M. Yugala...


9.30 am (you are not there) art exposition in Chosica

11.00 am presentation of the matajis (you suggested that for sunday)

2.00 pm Workshops for matajis the whole afternoon.

6.00 pm programa cultural

6.30 gourartik

7.00 movie.

But we have at 4.30 to 6.30 our Harinam program every saturday. So you can start your participation from there if you want.

It's confusing. That's why we think we have to talk soon by skype.

ASA - Last I heard from KKD, M. Yugala Dasi was going to organize the program. That's O.K. with me only this one change of giving SB class in Wilson in the morning.


whole morning program

After Govinda... 

9.30 am Initiations (includes a class)

10.30 kirtan yoga by temple devotees

12.30 Rajbhoga

1.30 Presentations of the Program "Your Week with RMV" (Mataji've been working with a team).

2.30 prasadam

3.30 M. Yugala presents .....prize giving ceremony of art exposition.

4.00 cultural program


Mangalartik with you and then we get ready for La Cantuta

La Cantuta 

10.am to 12.30 am

Featuring You, Professor Borja, Professor Durand, Parama Karuna d, Caitanya candrodaya d, I, etc. We can talk about details later.

meanwhile in the temple....BG class, Abhiseka, Rajbhoga artik

After la Cantuta....

1.30 after Rajbhoga You give a class about Srimati Sitadevi

2,30 prasadam

heading to Lima

Well, I'm sorry for the mess.

ASA - Whatever the Temple Authorities decide. We can be available from Saturday morning until Sunday afternoon, then finishing the program in La Cantuta in time to join the program at noon time in the Temple!

Yes, let's have a call: Blue Baboon and Tom Brown!

Actually I told the Junta that this is Chosica program and you only present suggestions. Its up to them. That's what I think.

We can talk very soon to clarify it as soon as you can. If you think is necesary.

Please send me day and time to talk, if you want, by my new skype account...Luis Miranda Blanco. 

I think you are two hours ahead us, Perú.

ys LAD