Last Itinerary URGENT

6 years, 9 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


I can see through the videos and photos that Vrsabhanu nandini is sending to me that the programs in Cordoba are pretty well, we can perceive the peace and goodness in Madhavendra, Ambarisa , their wives and their children as well, we are so fortunate to be their friends¡¡¡

Rama Navami was so nectarean, also the avant premiere was a big success, in attachment some photos.

ASA - Thank you!!!   AGTSP...

The itinerary bellow [below] was discussed with Abhiram, Yugala and LAD we just need your approval in order to do the poster.

ASA - Not with the Temple Presidents in Chosica and Wilson??? Gotta get their approval, no?

The details of Chosica's festival were requested to be posted here by YKD

ASA - Ah! Yes, as we remember Karuna Krsna Das said that she was co-ordinating the festival for Chosica.

In that regard we have not heard anymore from LAD or Mataji, Chosica Treasurer, about (Nitya-kinkari DD??) about the Weekly Puja Sponsor program.


FRIDAY 20th:

Arrive in the morning 8:45am. All day in Callao, rest.

ASA - ... and maybe meet with Ramon et al.


FMP in Callao. Then Srimad Bhagavatam Class at ISKCON Chosica (stay in Caitanya Candrodaya’s house).

ASA - This is O.K. with Wilson???  I heard we were going to do the SB class there on the way to Chosica.

SUNDAY 22nd:

 All day in ISKCON Chosica (Festival in Honor to Sita devi)

MONDAY 23rd:

Sita devi’s appearance day, Program in la Cantuta University. (10 am to 1pm).

  In the afternoon return to Callao.

TUESDAY 24th: All day in Callao. Last coordinations.

Wednesday 25th: Return to the USA :(

ASA - 5PM is the flight to Mexico, not USA. Give us gifts to take to Mexico.






Organized by the Education department of Chosica

(Karuna Krsna Das, Gandharva Das, Yugala Kishora Dasi) and Candramukhi dd who is in charge of communications.

Saturday, April 7th

Contest announcement (Mataji’s art) on April 21st.

Theme: Offering to Sita or tribute to women.


Drawing, poetry, singing, music, essay, story, storytelling.

Saturday, April 21st

8:15 AM               Opening


Welcome speech

8:30 AM               Srimad Bhagavatam class by His Holiness Hanumatpresaka Swami.

Theme: Tribute to Stri dharma due to the appearance of mother Sita.

9:30 PM               Placement of art exhibition and stand for matajis.

All collected in the stands: one half will be a donation for Our Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madham Bihari and the rest for the stand manager.

10 AM                  Breakfast at temple by Laksmimayi Devi Dasi

11 AM                  Presentations: (Maximum 20 minutes and 5 minutes for questions)

Senior matajis were invited, but this needs to be confirmed. Presentation of women based on Srimad Bhagavatam or biography of mothers who have left their mark on the movement.

YugalaKishora Dasi “A current look to the stereotype of a devotee”

Rukmini Devi Dasi “Challenges for a young woman in her formation as a devotee and teacher”

1PM                      Prasadam

2PM                      Workshops for mothers:

After registration, limited vacancies. There will be a moderator and a secretary for each workshop.

                               Workshop Sharing women’s wisdom

(Etiquette on service to the Guru, among devotees, temple etiquette, self-esteem, parents ‘workshop)


                               Workshop of Preaching programs:

(Food for life, harinama, sankirtana, namahathas, Bhaktivrksa, Rathayatras, music concerts, event organization,administration y RRPP)


Workshop about pujari and the art of home:

(Simple puja at home, recipes, healing plants,Tulasi care)

4PM                      Power yoga with Loka Pavana Das (half an hour)

5 PM                     Artistic presentations:

                               Bharatanatyam dance by Luz (Hindu dance teacher)

                               Story telling dedicated tomothers by Prabhu Narayana

6:30 PM               Gaura Aratika by mothers

7:00 PM               Movie: Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew

ASA - Our copy of this is not working!


2 PM                                     Event closing: Art contest award. The winners by areas will present their art.

2:30 PM               Kathak dance and music with Caitanya.

2:45 PM               Play: Sita Devi’s pastime.

3 PM                     Prasadam by temple’s administration.

About workshops for mothers:

The previous registration will be as people are arriving, vacancies are limited.

                               Workshop coordinator: Gandharva Das

Workshop Sharing women’s wisdom: Lavanya mangala Devi Dasi – Patty Palomino


Workshop of Preaching programs: Tarangaksi Devi Dasi–Jessica Mendoza


Workshop about pujari and the art of home: Gaura Karuna Sakti - Jayada Gopi

(Simple puja at home, recipes, healing plants, Tulasi’s care)


Some mothers, previous coordination, will begin the workshops by presenting a particular topic, and then, the rest of all will comment according to order, maximum 5 minutes.

Note: This is the first outline of the program and will be detailed and improved in future meetings with coordinators,speakers and devotees who offered to speak at workshops about specific topics.

Thank U so much Gurudeva

Hope to see U pretty soon

Your useless servant


ASA - What about the role of lady devotees in ISKCON administration: Temple President, Wife of Temple President etc??

What about Initiations???