Urgent Mar del Plata calendar

6 years, 9 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Calendar Development

Hare Krisna Gurudev,

Please accept muy humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

I think today you arrive to Argentina, Hariibol!!

Sorry about purchasing tickets to travel on Ekadasi. I checked all the calendars we use here and they say Ekadasi is on the 11th, so according to this info you won't be travelling on Ekadasi.

HpS - Yes, Ekadasi is the next day.

But anyway please apologize me!!

HpS - No, your actions are fine.

Your Mar del Plata calendar is settled. Before I post it I want you to confirm everything is ok (O.K.).

You arrive tuesday 10 th at 18:30 hs. You will be staying at Sri Govardhan Mandir. Mangala Aratik there is at 5 am. 

Wednesday 11 th  in the afternoon you will have an interview with the mayor, bishop, renowned journalist or chambers of commerce. 

Thursday 18:30 hs there is a conference at El Torreon del Monje which is a classic spot by the sea. The title is ideal leadership, i thought about Prtu Maharaja teachings. This is organized with a local politic party, and we invited all young people who is interested in polítics.

HpS - ASA -- We can work on this.

Friday 13th at the grand classroom of the National University a conference about Psychology and the Sacred. Science, psique and spirituality (i Didnt mention Jung to much cause here is super psychoanalisis school). But we are there, they accepted us in the main room, so i think lot of students will attend.

Saturday 14th at 5 pm we will go out on Harinam to the commercial center of Sierra de los Padres, the area where our farm is. The idea is distribute books and invite people to the sunday feast.

HpS - Saturday at 10.30AM we have online SB workshop.

Sunday 15 th lecture at the feast at 13 hs.

HpS - In the city or at the Rural Community?

Monday 16th you leave to Bs As at 19:10, have to be at the airport at 17:40. There is nothing scheduled for that day. 

The big question is whether you are going to give SB lectures at 8 AM. Cause I know you don't give two lectures on the same day.

But if you do give the SB class I would like you to choose a specific topic like Pada Padma, Queen Kunti's prayers, Kardama muni and Devahuti, Prahlada's teachings, etc. I can prepare a hand out for atendees. 

Thank you so much Gurudev for coming to Mar del Plata. Is wonderful to have your saintly association here. I hope many devotees come also.

At your service,

Nikunja bihari das.

HpS - Thank you for messaging us on Whatsapp. Since Friday we have not had time to breath. Four classes, workshops a day!   As we were writing Adi-yajna Das came in a said you called. Very nice, thank you. We can do light classes in the morning if there are outside programs during he day. We can discuss Canto Seven, Narada's Instructions on Society and Politics.

On to your next letter.