SCHEDULE PAroposal and little report Urgent

6 years, 10 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



I have friends in Bolivia, Brazil so I had the opportunity to watch some videos about your visit. JAYA

Things at work are more sane. I wanted to wake up late but jaja my body was accostumed to wake up at least at 5 am. So we are doing mangala artik at that hour. As U tell me in order not to become stupid.

Tomorrow I will go to Chosica. JAYA Sri Rama

Calendar Proposal April:

April 20th (Friday): Arrival at night, rest in Callao

HpS - This is a confusion that maybe Monkey and Piggy generated. The flight arrives in the morning at 8.45AM from EZE.  So, we can do some work in Lima and rest in Callao or other place if it is better.

April 21st: (Saturday)FMP Callao Then after lunch go to chosik -

HpS - We talked with Karuna Krsna and Gandharava Das and Yugala-kishora Dasi and Saturday night we were thinking of a cultural program with three major aspects and a few minor on Sita Devi and women in ISKCON.

April 22nd: (sunday): FMP IN CHOSIK, SB CLASS. Festival for the pleasure of Sita devi and the Stri dharma

HpS - Variety of programs. Maybe some informative of situation of women in ISKCON Peru, South America, in administration, dance, music, a ladies handicrafts bazaar...

Caitanya Candrodaya and his family were requesting many times, if U may stay in his house. He has plenty of room. So that will be ok?  

HPS - It seems fine with us.

April 23rd: Monday FMP CHOSICA

Cantuta in the morning. Noon arati for Sita devi. In the evening back to Callao.

April 24th: Tuesday Bg Wilson?

HpS - Seems fine to us.

April 25th: Wednesday last meetings. Depart for Mexico at 5PM

Last moment: Today I talked with Patrakji He was asking also if this time may U stay at his home ?

HpS - Problem with staying at his house is having the Full Morning and Evening Programs and many visitors during the daytime, no? Can his sister and mother accomodate all this??  Cooking, internet????  Printer?

Thank U Gurudeva

Looking forward to serve U properly

Your useless servant

Candramukhi dd