6 years, 11 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports
Hare Krishna.
All Glories to Sri Sri Caitanya and Nityananda
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
All Glories to you dear Gurudev
Please Accept my humble obeisances to your holy lotus feet.
ASA - Hairy feet.
Hope your energy is High!
HpS - Our altitude is High!   Arrived in Cuzco at 10AM. Will go to La Paz at 9AM tomorrow. Is very nice service, but some headeache and rather low energy. That's O.K. We run the ship slow. What is you news!!!  How are your arts?
I send this letter to tell you that in Buenos Aires, we have 2 aspirants to initiation:
For Harinama Diksa: Bhaktina Carol Morales
For Second Diksa: Nanda Raja Das.
Both have accomplished all the administrative requirements to take initiation. Of course they will have a meeting with you before of Yajña.
Prabhu Trivrikrama Das (for 2nd) , has communicate too, but we’re waiting the letter from his authority.
HpS. -- He will take a little longer to accomplish the requirements. So no initiation for him, but Maria from Santiago is coming for the fire sacrifice.
Gurudev, to which mail the and authorities have to send the recommendation letter?
HpS - Send it here. You can scan it or take a photo and send it here.
The DATE for the YAJÑA is SUNDAY 1 OF APRIL. Narayana Parah Das is helping the devotees about what they need for Yajña.
Today, later, I will send you the Buenos Aires Calendar.
Who want to serve you
Rati-Mañjari DD.
ASA - Thank you very much Rati-manjari Devi Dasi. We think that you may die soon and your real body come out.  We look for the Buenos Aires Calendar.  April 1st in on our Red Book calendar.
I think Krsna will send more fun friends soon all of your mischief. Do very artistic and creative, drama, puppet, projects for Hara and Krsna!!