DTC Tu(13)

6 years, 10 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna / Hare Rama

We are tired but that always happens after lunch or breakfast. So we do light work. Bh V. Th. said, "After lunch do light work".

We understand that light, spontaneous, work is the best rest. When you have to work according to a preset schedule you have to strain sometimes. So leave time in the day for working according to the emerging energy in your body.

We like talking to you because you are sane.

You understand that big problems cannot be resolved in great detail in just a moment.

So, far this tour has been nothing but intense, full of Sankirtan. We have to learn to not take more responsibility for things than we can. If people become angry because we are not acting according to their expectations we have to understand that often they are not mad at us they are mad at the image they are projecting on to us.

They expect that we will satisfy their desires, that we can, will, do this and this and that. They have an unrealistic view of us. So, we cannot take their anger personally. We can try to inform them of reality.

Now we are getting ready for the big program with the Jesuit University tomorrow, but today there is a Bhakta-vrksha program with expected over full capacity.

So guess we take a short nap to avoid headaches. Got 13 of our 16 rounds done.

Srila Prabhupada is the center of everything for us.

Check you mail. Check you calendars. Chant Hare Krsna.