Sitas Report

6 years, 11 months ago by Sita Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva,

Please accept my respectful obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!

We have to thank You Gurudeva, for being so merciful with us.. We should have received stronger words maybe as an answer to our past letter.. we can see that yes, the spiritual master really knows how to treat the mind of his disciple, we felt calmed and at the same time alert, we know we have to improve a lot. We read the verses You sent, the examples you gave and the phrases You used.. However, we just understood or we think we understood some things. And the others are going to be understood then.. we believe that understanding always always come, they are sent(Janardana).. when we are ready maybe.

Definetily things improve when our rounds are chanted with more determination and concentration and of course when they are finished everyday, we would like to keep it like that always, however, our mind tells us we are tired and so busy or while chanting we are thinking about our next step.. right? Or left? Did He said something about it?; about the dream we had at night but we cant remember.. maybe someone gave me an advice there  and now I have lost it; about wise and nice words we read in a message.. so we remember we didnt pray for them yesterday so we do it; about that last conversation when we cried.. is it good for them to be that angry for someone else?.. and .. the list seems to be very long.. sadly.

Still struggling.. could be my lifestyle.. we dont want others feel sorry for us, however, it usually happens.. we see Krishna helping and it makes us happy and brave.. maybe when people feel sorry, they pray for us so Sri Krsna sends help!. (enough maybes). Goura Purnima in Chosica was very nice! we hope we will be able to have a conversation when You come Gurudeva. We will pray more and more with a (hopeful) nice attittud. Que el Señor Nrsimha Deva lo proteja Gurudeva. Hare Krsna Hare Krsna!!!

Su aspirante a sirvienta,

HpS - Hare Krsna.   Just keep Srila Prabhupada in the center. Then everyone else and their contribution will be harmonized. Have you met him personally?  If you have not then you will. Soon. As often as necessary. All we want is for you to be his disciple.