Sita's Report

6 years, 11 months ago by Sita Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva,

Please accept my respectful obeisances,

All the glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!


Well, I am writing after some weeks I said I was going to write. As I told You Gurudeva the day You knew I was not living with my parents, I would like to bring happier news, however, is what we have(now) and we dont want to develop a complaining attitud, besides also because we dont have anything to complain for.

Actually, there are many “I am sorry” and “I love you” waiting to be said by me.. We hope we can talk heartly from heart soon. Sadly, I disappointed them,  however, with Gurudeva and devotees advice and blessings we will improve somehow. . we still have hope.

 More than a year ago I have been meeting a guy whose name is Sergio. We met him when we were kids because he studied in the Gurukula but, just for a short  time. Then, after many years he became a friend to some of us in the temple and then became a close friend of mine (2016). Keeping his  Christian beliefs, he has been changing some of his habits (talking about our principles) with  sincere whishes to improve as a person, opened to accept more elevated truths.

We can talk more about him but our letter will expand a little bit more. Our concern is that my parents desagree, and we had some discussions about this situation last year. And I can understand their concern, we all have a different concern and well, they are my parents and they dont want me to suffer. For me is kind of difficult to explain this, I hope and even, I know that You Gurudeva will understand beyond my words.. and then, with your advice and opinion we will see clearer with real understanding.

I have felt very confused many times influenced by, curves, downs.. ups! and downs again.. as always.  So many questions about love and how it gets confused.. sentimentality, illusory.. possessive attitudes.  

As someone told me once.. I have no vision neither intelligence to see or even think correctly. I have heard so many ideas, thoughts, advice, all of them giving me their opinions according to their past experiences and understandings, one better than the othe

Now, I am staying with my grandparents. I am working on [in] a workshop in a school,  for kids who have behavior problems and we do dynamic games, art, drama, we sing and dance, we have a yoga routine and things like that. Their parents are so happy and I am too, we really like it.  

 Now we are living very exiting challenges, facing more struggles and we need to strive more and more and at the same time we really feel blessed with help.

Going to wilson or Chosica each time we can.

We pray to keep this attachment for Krsna Consciousness and devotees, hoping to receive any sincere good wish for the health of our hearts and minds. We are still trying to keep on chanting and following till the end, to finish our 16 (hopeful good) rounds daily (sadly we have some debts, however, is noot going to stay like that) and our four principles too.

At the moment, I have some options about studies. Personally, I would like to go back to Cusco and finish my studies in Fine Arts.. I have the option to start in July so I have time. I could also stay here and work and study art, maybe languages. Or just save money to travel to the Holy Dham,  India in the future while working here for some years.

Now we have talked about every important aspect in our lives that will define our future, our intention is not to bother You Gurudeva with our material issues, however, we really needed to write You about this, to understand and know what to do. 

Time flies and March is coming!, with joy we say “see You soon Gurudeva”. I am continuing with the trascription, kind of difficult but possible!. Que el Señor Nrsimhadeva lo proteja mucho. Hare Krsna!!!.

Su aspirante a sirvienta,

Sita Lalita Devi Dasi.

HpS - Hare Krsna. I don't know but I suspect it may have been a panic to write this letter, to expose a little bit of your personal life to others, but . . .  that is the purpose of ISKCON.    If we are too much alone with these powerful things then we will get hurt very, very, very deeply. Will become victims of The Witch and not be able to help Krsna in the fight and many people will slide, slide, slide past us back into the soup of Maya because we could not do our part properly.

On the other hand, if we reveal things in the improper way (NIO 4-6) to the wrong people then The Witch can get us that way also. This is a real war. No smaller parts for Sita-lalita Karuna-mayi, Ananda-maya, Bibhastu-arjuna, HpSwami, Karuna-krsna, Ganga-mayi, Chaitanya chandra, H. H. Jayapataka Swami ....    We have to go to Lord Caitanya's school to get a PhD in Bhakti-yoga.

Your letter is very, very well composed.

Shows years of hard work. We all, ISKCON Peru, ISKCON global, thank you. Some day you can go to Maya-pur to see Radha Madhava with your head up high.

SB 1.17.38 - Girls should be married by 16-years old. That is ideal, rare, difficult, but that is the ideal. Other arrangements are always going to be harder and take more effort.

Joking we can say that what you should do is take up your bow and arrows, pick up a big stick and go looking for a husband!  [See attached foto].  You can form a committe of other girls your age.

Some decent Dude who will do his responsibilties.

O.K. Take care of that. Got a husband, now I need kids.

O.K. Took care of that... just like Devahuti and Kardama muni. . . . Oh, my God?   I don't really know my husband, father, mother, kids at all!

I am just dealing with their minds (bodies), although they have nice minds ...  Krsna conscious minds in varying degrees.

SO....   Bhakti Yoga...   Sixteen nice rounds first on your list.  Minimum sixteen. Then all the rest of the stuff will fall in line.

O.K. Soldier!   Got your orders.   16-nice rounds minimum and report in one week of how many you are behind.
Go fight with The Evil One and win.