Monkey is dead [but the dead live again]. [See first foto].
He usually dies when he has to give blood!
After giving blood (and urine) we came back and had a nice Daily SB Reading Review Workshop with Harsh. 8.15AM to ...
We are in the last few minutes of
packing for this 10-week tour!!
Banks, Embassy's, Doctors, Luggage, Plans.... Oink!
All we know is Krsna.
Krsna is our friend.
His Grace, our Guru, helps us, cookies to Him send.
(See second image below).
Many Latin American Temples have a "Noche de Srila Prabhupada". It is strange when you translate because the only place that this phrase occurs in English, "The Night of the ..." is this 1968 horror movie, "Night of the Living Dead".
It cost $115,000 and has made over $30,000,000. Now there's a good business, Aye!
So, should we do a movie, "Night of the Livng Prabhupada!"?
Srila Prabhupada returns at Sunset and by the time the sunrises in the morning all the "Evil ISKCON Deviants" tracked down one by one. Their doors are crushed and then are all forced to shave up, put on Tilak, obey GBC authority .... Then when the sun rises everything is like it was in 1975.
"Night of the Living Prabhupada".
Interesting Idea.
Needs a lot of work though.
Maybe Tarangaksi and Sita-lalita Devi Dasi can work on a script.
Buck White - Well I guess we should stop here. We have already revealed that our words are just moonbeams of a larger lunacy.
Distribute books . . . very nicely! ! !.