More changes urgent

6 years, 11 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



I hope this meets U in really good health.

The day before yesterday I got all the information about what will be my responsabilties as a professor.. Pfff I almost fainted. I could not sleep. Nevetheless I remembered that I just have to use my intelligence. I left some hours in the other university and made a sane schedule so that I can go to bed early and keep my sadhana.. FMP KI JAYA

The director who hired me told me that he remembered my father when he made the decision at that moment I said OH MAY GOD He continues protecting and blessing me. I must be brave and try my best.

Regarding Bhaktivedanta workshop I would like to be like a free participant. I am not able to do study guides or present a chapter at least for some time in order to get used to this changes

It is weird m Jamvabati and I have to support our father and mother respectively. There is no comparison SHE IS THE QUEEN OF THE BEARS.

But we have that in common.. My sister and I have to support my mom. Three ladies a dog and one cat jaya !!!  STRI DHARMA

Nowadays I do not have time to think in nonesense. While doing administrative work I listen to some bhajam and a class. It is nice and relaxing.

Hope to see U the most as I can during this visit. If not U know that U are constantly in my smaranam and heart. 

This sunday we are going to have some sadhusanga in callao I will go with Jambavati mataji. We are going to fix some details for your visit then post it here

Thank U Gurudeva, please your blessings 

Your useless servant

Candramukhi dd

HpS - Hare Krsna!        Thank you for the [urgent] news. We are informed and waiting for further developments.  It seems you are right in the middle of Lord Nityananda's parade!!!  Our salutes to everyone.. . .   Wonder women!!