Moving to Peru

6 years, 11 months ago by hps in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Prabhu Jiva Shakti das

Receive our [Chosica, Temple Board] attentive greeting. We hope everything goes very well in your personal affairs and your health in general. This letter we send you is for the following reason:  Has appeared on the Blog published by your Spiritual Master, "The Warrior Monkey," a message from you, where you write to your Spiritual Master as follows: "Young devotees who are now parents in Chosica, are asking for a Gurukula. They are asking Prabhu Atmananda (JPS) if it is possible to use for that purpose, the previous Brahmacaris Ashram. " While it is true that in that message, you only collect a comment without specifying who are those "Young parents who are now devotees", we see the need to make the following clarifications, because that comment is already circulating in a forum public.

In the first place, Prabhu Atmananda das (JPS), is not one of the authorities of the Chosica Yatra. Prabhu Atmananda das is one of the members of the Board of Directors that manages Govinda Natural Products and his service is to financially manage that company to produce utilities for the maintenance of the Chosica Temple Deities.

The current members of the Chosica Temple Administration are the following devotees: Omkara Krishna das - President (With license in office), Karuna Krishna das- Vice President, Nitya Kinkari dd-Treasurer, Adhoksaja das-Pujari and Tulsi Priya dd-Secretary .

The responsibility for the use of the properties of the Chosica Yatra is held by the Administrative Board of the Chosica Temple, through periodic meetings, following the procedures and rules set forth in the ISKCON Law.

At an official meeting held on July 25, last year, the Administrative Board of the Chosica Temple voted in favor of the recovery of the Brahmacaris Ashram and that decision was recorded in the minutes. Both the executive committee of the National Board and the current GBC zonal supervisor for Peru were informed about it.

The recovery of that property is an arduous job. That house was rented some years ago. The House of Brahmacaris was in very bad condition and charged with debts. All last year we were paying the accumulated debts for electricity, water, land and taxes of all the properties that our Chosica temple owns, paying more than S / 19,000.00. Currently that house is being implemented in basic services for its operation.

The last instruction we received from our former Zonal Secretary, Prabhu Jagajivan, was that we should protect all of ISKCON's properties with our lives and souls and we are determined to safeguard those properties.

Your Spiritual Master, His Holiness Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaja is already informed of the future recovery of the Brahmacaris Ashram and he, very mercifully, has asked us to rent two rooms of that Ashram for next year.

No more to communicate for the moment, receive our attentive greeting

Hare Krishna

Karuna-krsna Das