Hare Krsna!!
T. Brown here.
In the Winter, when it is freezing outside it is hard to get out to run or bicycle. Or garden. Or herd the cows. Mooo!!!! Chew! CHew!!!
We worked with Dr. Samaresh, then
...did a lot of work on Viplavah3.
.......FMP. (44-minutes writing (Trash))
..SB 7.6. .....
- One potatoe,
- One carrot,
- Fennel seeds,
- Three almonds,
- BIG tablespoon of p-nut butter (crunch),
- Regular table spoon of butter,
- Salt, Black pepper.
...... . .Rested. . 30-minutes with Abhirama Das. Writed (mail).
Now we go to Yahoo mail. Then Kapi Dhvaja. Then walk with NGD. Hot milk with sugar and little corn-starch. Then Light of the Bhagavata! Then little rest.
Fight the waves in Tama guna. Bend with them in Raja guna. Join them in Sattva guna for Krsna!