Report December

6 years, 8 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my humble obeisances at your dancing lotus feet before sri sri radha madhana vihari
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
all glories to Sri nityananda and Gauranga!             All glories to Sri Radha Madhana Vihari!

Hare Krishna Gurudev, I hope you spend a beautiful day of the appearance of Sri nityananda!

HpS - Estaba muy nice!   Espero que podemos tomar cuenta de Su misericordia todo el anyo.

It was His Vyasa Puja Gurudev, an important day for us as disciples. I sent my offering. How do you do? Sorry, I have not read the blog yet, I have not found that DTC, as you know, I do not have much access to the Internet. Wsw day I put many pictures of him on the altar and offered mangalartik, incense and fruits. I went to collect as usual. I thought of you and the devotees who shared this auspicious party. Remember how the devotees of Peru organized the reception for you and the parties and I felt fortunate to have participated. buy everything to cook an offering and a sweet bread. When I got home, Gopalito had a very strong sunburn and he was sick all afternoon. That day was about 46 degrees !

HpS - Terrible!!!

 I just dedicated to take care of it because I wanted to be with me all the time. So Frank, I, cook a praparacion of vegetables and that was all that we could offer that day. happily Gopal recovered the next day, so afterwards I was able to cook and I offered him a humble sweet bread with nuts. Now that I have Radha Krsna murtis, and, as Radharani is with her little hand giving blessings, I ask that the preparations go well so that They are pleased. and it is incredible but they come out very well after having asked Ella. ! JAY RADHE!

HpS - Thank you very much.   Thank you very, very much.

My sadhana was fine only half the month, the other half I could not get up early (before 4am), I always remember that in the nectar of instruction, Srila Prabhupada, ask everyone to get up at 4 a.m. . In December, January and part of February, I'm going to collect to more distant places, I make longer trips and that's why I get tired more. I also think that the inspiration that the devotees gave me was that I would get up. I hope I can move forward. Now, with the tests that I am going through and the teachings that life is giving me, I wake up thinking that I am going to do this austerity because I very much desire the association of Krsna and his associates. That would be my greatest fortune. The other fortunes are so temporary, you never know what's going to happen.

It seems that when I do gaura artik, blessings were obtained for the next day to get up early, because every time I do it the next day I can get up.
I am studying self-taught English, in case my dream of going to India in this life is fulfilled.

Again I could dream of Sri SRI Radha Madhana Vihari! I saw their beautiful faces, in the dream I said to a friend: let's go to see them more closely (we were in kirtan) and I saw you dancing in front of them . I think that if I do not see them again, I would see them in my dreams. They are so merciful that they allow me to see them.

Thank you very much for Your patience, tolerance and for His example of sublime life.
Excuse me if I committed any offense in this letter.

please accept obeisances of franco, gopalito and mine

Trying to serve him with the heart: Japa Prati Jalpa Radha dd.

HpS - Some day you will dance for Radha and Krsna in Vrndavan. My obeisances to Franco!!