Hare Krsna, Maharaj,
We thank you for constant motivation and appreciation though we dont deserve that.
HpS - We are more fallen than you.
It seems that there are many letters being written to you. We can not understand the opportunity why we have opportunity (every one also in ASA has it) to get little association of yours through daily SB Workshop.
HpS - God helps those who help themselve. (In BG)
we thank you H.G. Nikunja Bihari Ji and your esteemed self for your comments and keeping us in your thoughts.
we feel that we are not fit for this movement. first of all we have serious psyc problems. we are married but we dont have FFA. we never focussed on making friends.
HpS - Hey, you could become President of the United States!
HG Urmila Mataji says we our making small improvements, we dont disagree, but may be we can put more concentrated efforts.
we will be very frank , it might seem offensive to readers,but our intention is not to offend any one.
1. we think HH HpS is the one from whom we want to take intiation, problem is we dont know when he will stop intiating (he planned 2014)and moreover he plans to leave his body in 2024, which means we have less time and we are not qualified enough. If we dont get intiated by him, we will try to get intiated by his disciples whom he will give charge of intiation.
2. Having identified our disqualification, we have very little clue how increase qualification esp in our situation. We are not able to find Asrama guru who can follow his understanding of guru-tattva and more over guide us forward.
HpS - As we keep reading there is a lot of just plain facts in Prabhupada's books. Then, yes, keep looking around for sane people. They don't have to be in ISKCON, just like you don't have to be in teir religion. Just so long as they are devotees of God. Sometimes they come to your church, sometimes you go to theirs.
3. we can not find karma yoga guru also as of now. primaly becasue we dont know what we are,
a. ) are we royal counsellors, or irresponsible kstariya-sudra surrendering to upastha vegam,
b.) are we householder or impersonalist tyagi affected by upastha vegam
c.) are we karma yogi or janan yogi
d.) irrespective of what we are, how our talents to current ISKCON.
4. in temple when we go even weekly for morning program, we interact with brahamcharis, we recognize more brahamcharis then grhasthas
5. Nikunja ji asked about such problems we are facing even in Mumbai. He is right , the temple here is great congregation is great. We recommend it to majority of people. But we can not find devotees to whom we can reveal. we will be changing our city of residence so even if build relationship now we are not sure we can continue meeting them.
we have seen there many groups in temple who have taken to nationalism, defending hinduism, varna-asram as there major focus over SB. so we fear interacting with them as might loose sight.
6. HH Hps said " most of them are in the same situation as you and me. " i dont know but this thought seems to be misery enjoys company. if everybody is also suffering lets be friend with them and may be accept and forget our suffering.
kneeling down
HpS - One thing I see is that our lives in ISKCON currently may have many problems, but I do not see any better situation. We want heaven on Earth, but the heaven we desire is like a heavenly planet. Best if we are in a transit lounge on earth.
Why fight with your wife our husband. We are both going to be dead in just a few moments. Better to have make the best use of a bad bargain and then feel our heat becoming purified. Where else can we get opportunity righ in our face of having chance to purify our arrogant hearts!
Big deal to become a Saint. May take a some time, but the progress is eternal.