Urgente! LAD - Perú Calendar

6 years, 12 months ago by laksmana-agraja in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaj. Pamho, AGTSP!
It will be great to have you soon in Lima, Peru. We look forward to your coming. As always there will be a lot of activity, but we do not want to tire you too much. That's why I think it's important to review your tour.


Apart from your hard work to move forward the program with the National Library, surely we will have beautiful programs in the temples. I would like to coordinate the programs specifically in the Chosica temple and our friendly university, La Cantuta, either on the days of your arrival or upon your return from Argentina, which suits you best.

La Cantuta continues to be a program that has to have sustainable results over time for the benefit of the devotees and students of the university. I am studying my masters in university, and if Krishna and you want it, this year I will try to work there to be able to make more concrete advances.

Regarding education in ISKCON Peru, the matter moves very slowly. I am concerned about my Bhakti sastri students who need to take their exam at the end of July. I hope we can solve that matter as soon as possible. The suggestion is that Mathuresh Prabhu be the examiner with a solid group of devotees to relieve him of administrative and academic work. I hope that in this visit of yours we can concretize something.

Later we will talk personally and I hope we reach good conclusions for the benefit of Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON.
I feel very well thanks to your mercy.


And I hope you are also very well in your wonderful service to Srila Prabhupada.
ys, LAD


ASA - Hare Krsna, LAD!!    Of course, we talked for about 15-minutes this morning and made some minor sugestions, and the larger one that when we come back we migh have a festival Women, the Classical Knock-out! or some other name and maybe include, Virgin Mary, Dulcanea, Taming of the Shrew and and and Sita Devi's appearance day based in Chosica.

Then of course the weekend of 16-18 March in Chosica, renting  a club, Jiyada, Jagat-guru, Mathuresha Prabhu, Jesuit friends from Lima. Maybe same title "Art and the Sacred - a Pilgrim's Progress".

So far, you, Abhirama, Isvari have written to the Blog about the Calendar. Hope Jiva-sakti and others will write if they have some ideas!