NitayGaura. PabloParikrama.

7 years, 1 month ago by Bhakta Pablo-Parikrama in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaja.

How are You, I wish You are fine in all aspects. I´m fine.

Agt SP

Agt Guru Gauranga

Jay Radhe Jay Krsna Jay Vrndavan!!!

I´m Bhakta Pablo of the Parikrama, from Spain.

I´m doing services in New Vrajamandal, I wish for long time.

I want say to You a lot of things but I don´t want be tire.

I try, on my way, to follow your readings. Here I share something with You (all). I think I can imitate You and do one power point…more funny I think. What do You think?

HpS - Yes!

In BG 18.58, Krsna say […but act through false ego, not hearing Me,…] I think is literally, that we must hear to Him anytime, every moment (His flute sound-Gayatri?!...all that attract to the verse of CC). Interesting no that we must hear Krsna all time, feel His vibration…isn´t it?... as cloistered nuns hearing the Holy Spirit, the Primeval Sound, the “Nada” Sound of the Soul and everything….no?

The translation to the verse of BG 9.32, found in the SB 1.11.19, not equal to the original verse in BG 9.32…I think that is more expanded and enriched, in translation. So nice. And purport […the only reformation that is necessary in society is…][…all good qualities of…][…will overtake them in their own way…]….Guau!!, no?. What a flowery language, so mystical, so secret, so sweet, so devotional, so scientific. Every day I understand more to Gour Govinda Swami, “all is in the books of Prabhupada, only is needed extract and expand”

I hope one day, one word, will transport me to other world, place. (at time of death??…”Radhe-Krsna”…maybe two)

BG 18.65 purport [ concentration of the mind in the form of Krsna…] Most confidential secret…but Krsna is impersonal, located (mystic), and a person.  Must we think from where came the flow and follow the stream…? From what inner nature that I have access in that present moment is the flow to Krsna deliver to us…? Must we let go of the ropes literally and run after Krsna?

HpS - Krsna creates the fluid path in many ways. Of course, in Kali-yuga it is "Hare Krsna / Hare Rama", no?    Then His Deity form and His pastimes follow!!

Like always I don´t know what more to say, and never hazar with the rhythm and time…i´m helping something vedabase, and I´m translation the Brahma-samhita (a lot of days one line, one hour. Is like deep meditation, is so profound try to understand the mind of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati to translate. A lot of suffering also, this surprises me).

HpS - As I understand Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati just took the commentaries of Jiva Goswami on the Brahma Samhita and then presented them in modern language, late 19th early 20th century language and concepts.

Very nice!

Thanks You very much for the recordings, are like a flow of Varuni on twitter.

Your servant, PabloParikrama.

Dandavats, Hare Krsna.

HpS - We hope to get to Spain this summer or autumn.