First step

6 years, 11 months ago by arina in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna dear Hanumat  Presaka Swami!

In your last answer you said me that you don’t remember who i am. Nowadays I’m not a pigeon. I’m a girl from Valencia, Orthodox nun in my last life.

Thanks you for your answer. You say the first step is get initiated.

I read your text about guru-tattva.

Some time ago I started to feel the need of follow somebody who could instruct me to serv better to Srila Prabhupada. Something formal, with commitment. Because is easier for me be fixed an motivated in service if I have that responsability. Srila Prabhupada gave meaning to my life and i have a big desire to serv him.  Hanumat Presaka Swami please, help  and instruct me in that way! I would like to take instructions and diksa from you.

I have experienced that be ocuped in devotional service ( or trying to do it) is the only thing that makes me really happy and pacefull. I desire  cultivate true love for Krishna and never have material desires. Please hepl me to establish a relationship with Prabhupada.

I listen your lessons practically every day. I feel special inspiration from you, I like the way you see the world and explain questions. They turn on my brain.

My personal situation is:

-In January of 2017 I started to read and chant 3 rounds daily. I was following the 4 principles. In September I started to chant 16 rounds every day.  Try to chat them nicely but  is quite difficult.

-I read some Prabhupada Little books, The Upadesamprita, Have started the BG (i am reading it even).cRead Sri Isopanishad and started with the first Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam.

- I participe constantly in temple programms. I use to leader kirtans. We are not many devotees so we use to altering in other services like cooking, serv prasadam, clean…

Now we started with Santirtan. I have distribute some books in university and in my town. With devotees we sarted to do harinama and sankirtana in Valencia center.  I really  like this service , But i preffer distribute to people  something close to me.

-I rise normally at 4, but lately i fall asleep until 4.30-4.45. Somedays i find hard to pick me up alone. Then I chant ronds and do mangala arati!!The best moment of day!

Thanks you for your continuous inspiration!

I would like to be your formal aspirant disciple, is it possible?

My authority is Thirtaraja Das, the president of temple.

 Hare Krishna!! Your servant, Arina.

Which airport, beautful, 

HpS - AGTSP!!!   Pamho...  Thank you for your letter.  We may understand that there is God, the Supreme Controller, and then we begin to appreciate Guru, like Lord Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammad, Lord Caitanya. Like that our knowledge of Guru-tattva expands: Diksa Guru, Siksa Guru, Vartmana-pradarshika/Pradarshika Guru, Ashrama guru etc. Our knowledge of Balarama!   Nityananda!

In the Guru-tattva we tried to explain how we feel we are a guru in ISKCON.  By joining this Blog this should become more and more clear. You can connect with Srila Prabhupada just by his books: read them, apply them. You can connect with him through citta-guru, the paramatma. You can connect with him by many Siksa gurus. Some devotees may be siksa-guru in Varna-ashrama dharma, others in book distribution, others in sastra others in personal spiritual development.

We are working as Diksa guru, and as Siksa-guru, here we are, Blog-ether-guru, and we travel to Spain. Your local association with Senior Vaisnavas, Spanish Vaisnavas, is essential but of course you have to learn their assets and liabilities.