Ofrenda de Vyasa Puja por Nanda Raja das

7 years, 2 months ago by Bhakta Francisco in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja.
All glories To Srila Prabhupada.
All glories To You dear Gurudeva.
If you wish, please accept my humble and respectful obeisances, prostrate at His Lotus Feet.
On this very auspicious day of your Vyasa puja, I would like to try to describe some of your unlimited qualities.

ASA - Maybe a Fools Dictionary before you get to page two. <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />

Every day you show us the path that leads you back home, with your acts and your instructions. Of Father, of Teacher and it perfectly shows us what it means to surrender at the feet of Guru and Krishna. Totally dedicated to fulfilling the wishes of Srila Prabhupada. He gives us his love in a sublime way, without rest, he sacrifices his well-being, for ours, he is always preaching for the benefit of all the suffering souls.
You awaken us from this horrible and deceptive nightmare by showing us the sweet reality of Krishna consciousness.
How much we have to thank him, that would be of us without his mercy. I always think of You and infinitely thank Lord Krishna for that. Remembering you makes me think of Krishna and remembering Krishna makes me think of You.
I pray for your good health and
thank you very much, dear Gurudeva, I hope to one day be worthy of the dust of His Lotus Feet. Or blows of His Staff on my head.
Your aspiring servant
who longs to be useful to you.
Nanda Raja das.

Todas las glorias A Srila Prabhupada. 
Todas las glorias A Usted querido Gurudeva.
Si lo desea por favor, acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias, postrado A Sus Pies de Loto.
En este muy auspicioso día de su Vyasa puja, desearía tratar de describir, algunas de sus ilimitadas cualidades.
Usted día a día nos muestra el camino que lleva de vuelta a casa, con sus actos y con sus instrucciones. De Padre , de Maestro y nos muestra perfectamente lo que significa rendirse a los pies de Guru y Krishna. Totalmente dedicado a cumplir los deseos de Srila Prabhupada. Nos da su amor de manera sublime, sin descanso,        sacrifica su bienestar, por el nuestro, siempre está prédicando en beneficio de todas las sufrientes almas.
Usted nos despierta de esta horrible y engañosa pesadilla mostrándonos la dulce realidad de la conciencia de Krishna.
Cuánto tenemos para agradecerle, que sería de nosotros sin su misericordia. Siempre pienso en Usted y agradezco infinitamente Al Señor Krishna por eso. Recordarlo a Usted me hace pensar en Krishna y recordar a Krishna me hace pensar en Usted.
Oro por su buena salud y
gracias  muchas gracias Querido Gurudeva, espero algún día ser merecedor del polvo de Sus  Pies de Loto. O golpes de Su Bastón en mi cabeza. 
Su aspirante a sirviente
que anhela poder serle útil.
Nanda Raja das.


HpS - Thank you. If we can just be humble servants of Srila Prabupada: 16-nice rounds, 4-principles strictly, full morning and evening program, Sankirtan party, then we are old we will be able to think about our lives and enjoy it for a second time.