Report from India

7 years, 2 months ago by ravigupta108 in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

We are on our way from Mayapur to Vrindavan, via Kolkata and Delhi. Yesterday, Srinath Krsna Prabhu, Chidam, and I had a small Vyasa Puja celebration in Mayapur. We offered a big plate of uncut fruit to Lord Nrsimhadeva in your name. As we sat down to read our Vyasa Puja offerings, unexpectedly devotees were coming and sharing their appreciations of you. It was so sweet.

Before Mayapur, we presented papers at Vaisnavism conferences in Govardhan Eco-Village, Ruia College (Mumbai), and Jadavpur University (Kolkata). All of these conferences were organized by devotees, especially Pranava Prabhu and Gauranga Prabhu, in collaboration with reputable universities. The scholars were so appreciative of ISKCON’s philosophical contributions and the Bhaktivedanta Research Center will soon receive accreditation from Mumbai University. We were able to help Gauranga Prabhu strategize how to train future PhD’s who can serve in India. It is a natural development for ISKCON India, since the brahmacharis at Chowpatty and Pune are already so educationally qualified.

Every place I visit, the morning programs are so strong and inspiring. While singing in mangal arati, we wish that it would go on forever. How to carry that mangal arati mood throughout the day? That is a challenge for me.

HpS - Do three good Sandhyas and Gaura-arati?

Now we pray that we can enter Vrindavan Dham. Then we will go to Tirupati for the Vaisnava Christian Dialogue, and finally Jaipur to visit family. We are remembering your mood and example every step of the way.

Your servant,

Radhika Ramana dasa

HpS - ASA -  Thank you . Monkey and Piggy are jumping from one foot to the other in ecstacy to hear your activities. More and more purified service!!!