Personal Sadhana and Mandir report of THOUBAL

7 years, 1 month ago by mukta singh in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to A.C. Prabhupada, Sripada Maharajam,

All Glories to Gouranga Mahaprabhu and Goura Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jay!

Guru Maharaja, Dandavat Pranam!

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Guruji Maharaja's padmacharan that after Guruji's reply I have more courage for reading more and more books.

Yestarday, we three members from Thoubal participated Guruji's Viyas Pujah at Imphal ISKCON Mandir. Dr. Sarda D D and the members of Imphal organised Viyas Pujah very successfully. Bonomaly Prabhu is the main talker of Guruji and Sarda and myself also talk some minutes with sincere and whole heartedly . The total members present in the Pujah and took prasadam are around 170. I inform all initiated bhaktas but they could not turn up, it may be their different reasons.

Guruji, could you upload some new lectures in this Blog or in other waveside. It can be downloaded and hear in any time in many topics.

HpS - Hare Krsna. Thank you for the news. I am mostly a very selfsh person, so any Vyasa-puja that sees any goodf qualities in us is actually glorification of the more qualified members of the Parampara before us, with us and after us. We try.

There is one devotee, Srinatha-krsna Das who is in India now, but will be back in a week or so and he has the link to some lectures. If you want to dig for them there are lectures at We present class each Thursday by internet and they have them recorded, but not by our name, so you have to look through the old classes. Ask again in a couple of weeks.

So many Srila Prabhupada lectures!!!

After mangal arati, I am chanting 8 rounds in the morning before starting any morning works, then reading books, preparation for office etc.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das