Radhe Radhe, all glories to Srila Prabhupada

Patita Pavana Srila Hanumatpresaka Swami.

Gurudeva, please accept my obeisances.

As You instructed me, I traveled to Cochabamba looking for Mathuresh prabhu, I called him and he told me that he was in La Paz, then I went to La Paz, I called him again and he told me  he was in Cochabamba, I could not contact him. As You know, I wrote an email with a copy to you regarding my prohibition to attend the temple again and fix my situation but I did not receive any response, instead you kindly wrote me inmediately...

In relation to Amparo, I left home on July 16,she called me and sent messages all the time, I never responded to them, on December 4 she came to my work, she was drunk and threatened to scandal, she told me she would give me some of my things and 1600 soles, that was not true, we had an incoherent conversation, she did not give me anything back, I wanted to go out and she subjected me. It was impossible to go out and we struggled, I lost control and I defended myself, the owner of the house called the police and they detained us,  I attach documents.

Amparo nunca tuvo cancer, el documento adjunto fue una farsa, con ese diagnostico ella ya habria muerto hace mucho tiempo.

I celebred that there is a mimistry of women and I would like them to act impartially...

My mistake was to go that house, I was almost 5 months very quiet with my devotional life, caring for Tulasi and carving new deities of Jagannath.

Praying at Your feet for Your forgiveness, naradhama amalakaruna das.

HpS - Hare Krsna, Voy a escribir en Ingles y entonces traducir utilizando 'translate.google.com'. El truco es utilizar palabras y gramatica simple como el robot puede entender, no?

Thank you for your letter. This is a situation with several different features. Your document that her, pregnancy was shown to be falisified and that she was intoxicated is very strong. How was she able to falisify such a sophisticated document as the cancer report seems to be? Have you contacted the Doctor or any others and shown them the document? Yes, it does seem like a fatal report for two years ago. Maybe it was a miracle and she recovered.

Also, she has been very, very regular in attenging our Mangala-arati online program and other online programs. When we chants Japa there for 15-minutes her voice is very clear.

You see from a distance it is hard to understand what is happening.

I can give you one explanation that may be true or may not be true. It is just to show what little we can do to help, and we will do that, from this distance.

She has a very good, clean, streak about her, but she is also very attached to, in love with, you and so, when she thinks about you she eventually acts in a very crazy fashion.

So, many other scenarios are possible.

As regards Mathuresa Das it sounds in some ways possible. Trying to be a businessman, family man, ISKCON Zonal Supervisor, he certainly can get to the point where he cannot do things 100% properly.

Of course, another scenario is that you never went to Bolivia, you are a CIA Agent and have falisified all these documents and Amparo is a KGB agent and you are both trying to get control of several nuclear weapons hidden near Cusco.

What about we try to talk together with Mathuresa Das on Skype for example?   Is that possible?

In any case Krsna knows what is happening and giving full protection to sincere people. I like getting letters from you and hope I can be a part of Krsna's plan for your service to develop very quickly.

Are you painting Jagannatha??

I have sent a copy of everything to Mathuresa Das by Skype.


Gracias por su carta. Esta es una situación con varias características diferentes. Su documento que dice que ella, el embarazo se demudó y que ella estaba intoxicada es muy fuerte. ¿Cómo fue capaz de falsificar un documento tan sofisticado como parece ser el informe sobre el cáncer? ¿Se ha comunicado con el médico o con otras personas y les ha mostrado el documento? Sí, parece un informe fatal hace dos años. Tal vez fue un milagro y ella se recuperó.

Además, ella ha sido muy, muy regular en la asistencia a nuestro programa en línea Mangala-arati y otros programas en línea. Cuando cantamos a Japa por 15 minutos, su voz es muy clara.

Ves desde lejos que es difícil entender lo que está sucediendo.

Puedo darte una explicación que puede ser verdadera o no ser cierta. Es solo para mostrar lo poco que podemos hacer para ayudar, y lo haremos, desde esta distancia.

Ella tiene una muy buena y limpia veta sobre ella, pero también está muy apegada, enamorada de ti y, cuando piensa en ti, eventualmente actúa de una manera muy loca.

Entonces, muchos otros escenarios son posibles.

En cuanto a Mathuresa Das, suena de alguna manera posible. Al tratar de ser un empresario, un hombre de familia, el Supervisor Zonal de ISKCON, sin duda puede llegar al punto en que no puede hacer las cosas al 100% correctamente.

Por supuesto, otro escenario es que nunca fuiste a Bolivia, eres un agente de la CIA y has falsificado todos estos documentos y Amparo es un agente de la KGB y ambos intentan obtener el control de varias armas nucleares escondidas cerca de Cusco.

¿Qué tal si tratamos de hablar con Mathuresa Das en Skype, por ejemplo? ¿Es eso posible?

En cualquier caso, Krsna sabe lo que está sucediendo y brinda protección total a las personas sinceras. Me gusta recibir cartas de usted y espero ser parte del plan de Krsna para que su servicio se desarrolle rápidamente.

¿Estás pintando Jagannatha?

Yo he enviado una copia de todo a Mathuresa Das por Skype.