
7 years, 1 month ago by parama karuna das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna Gurudev acepte mis humilde reverencias. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y guru parampara.

En Huancayo estoy trabajando con prabhu Hari Harananda y prabhu Ekala Nitay son devotos mayores de los 80's ademas con la familia de ellos.

Sobre las autoridades de Lima-Peru no tengo mas comunicacion con ellos, yo no respondi nada! ademas porq decidi hacer servicio en otros templos o casas de amigos devotos para tener asociacion distinta q me inspire en mi vida espiritual.

Maharaja Bhakti Marga Swami me escribio esta contento con mi servicio de teatro q realizamos en Febrero y me esta invitando a India el proximo año para seguir con el grupo que su santidad dirige y viajar a Mayapur, Vrindavan y New Delhi,  Yo acepte la invitacion Gurudev sera por 1 mes pero necesito de sus bendiciones para estar protegido y realizar mi servicio una vez mas. Porque Krishna me esta dando una nueva oportunidad.

Gracias siempre Gurudev por su asociación! Reverencias


Hare Krishna Gurudev accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and guru parampara.

In Huancayo I am working with prabhu Hari Harananda and prabhu Ekala Nitay are older devotees of the 80's as well as their family.

About the authorities of Lima-Peru I have no more communication with them, I did not answer anything! also why decided to do service in other temples or houses of devoted friends to have different association that inspires me in my spiritual life.

Maharaja Bhakti Marga Swami wrote to me this happy with my theater service that we did in February and he is inviting me to India next year to continue with the group that his holiness leads and travel to Mayapur, Vrindavan and New Delhi, I accepted the invitation Gurudev It will be for 1 month but I need your blessings to be protected and perform my service once more. Because Krishna is giving me a new opportunity.

Thank you always Gurudev for your association! Resolutions!

HpS - ASA - Thank you for the news. We respond urgently. Did you ever receive a formal complaint from ISKCON about the criticism of your dealings with the lady in India?