Orthodox Nun

7 years ago by arina in Other

Hare Krishna Hanumat Presaka Swami! Please accept my humble oblences!
All gloreies to Srila Prabhupada!
I'm very happy today! In university 3 friends and I have done Kirtan on the grass! It was fantastic! hahaha SOme days ago I sent theem this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbSIZmdhr-I 
They really liked them, and one of that friends has started to listen maha mantra on his own. So on the grass he asked me  ¿can you chant some mantras?, and i just had kartals with me (i bring them today just in case hahaha) so we chant all together like in that video, and that guy danced so crazy  hahaha! Then we sang in the elevator with our drawing teacher, and during the class a little too. A girl told me: oh I really like that carol with your bells
 Very funny!! I didn't  imagine that they will be chant with so much good vibes and so much desire. Maybe next week i can bring little harmonium hahaha 
I have to do a group work for class in which I want to relate concepts from a classical painting of mythology to what is maya, the choice between sensory enjoyment and true love for Krishna, and how it is reflected in society.
I'm happy because seems like Krishna is approaching me, because I can chant His names, and talk about Him almost in university where i pass much time.
Sometimes I think about monastic life.. It seems very funny life. Chiara di Asis inspires me a lot, when I read about her passtimes i get very excited. Do you know why they cut their hair in the iniciation? Is something about energies from hair, like to start a new life,..or is because hair is relationed with beauty?

HpS - AGTSP    I think it is partly cleanliness and partly because the hair gives a lot of material energy, so we reduce that so we can learn to depend on spiritual energy.  Girls don't cut their hair because it is a danger of making them so weak they will get sick. These are the general things I have heard but never read in Prabhupada's books.

 But I'm not sure I would be able to make that kind of sacrifice now. Maybe grihastha ashram can prepare me. But in that case, i would like like live that stage of life in the most possible correct way. Because I see marriages of devotees now, most of them don't  follow the regulations of that ashram. And  is 'normal'  ¿? i don't think that is good for spiritual life...

HpS - Spiritual life is very individual. Just succeed or fail as you can do it personally. Take personal education from the example and experience of others. 99.999% of the time if married people are engaged in illicit sex they will not make any spiritual progress and die and become animals in their next lives. Have to conquer this problem. Marriage and sex is O.K. have a few nice kids and the passion diminishes.

Thanks you very much for your time and for being! I'm happy and i would like to write to you maharaj! Hare Krishna Hare Rama!!

In photo it's me with Transatlantic made from tree bark

HpS - Hare Krsna!  More news in a few weeks!!