Every Temple an Educational Center

7 years ago by hps in Special Category B

From: HpS (HHR) 
To: Badrinarayan Swami ; 'Vaisesika Prabhu' ; Boise Temple; Sesa Das 
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2017 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: Urgent Good News


Thank you for your letter, Maharaja, GBC Secretary,


Hp Swami, the situation in ISKCON Boise, Ministry of Education, GBC College, ISKCON Srila Prabhupada: We are looking at this from specific example to broad, grave impact.

We are dealing with this personally, we hope well, but we have to have institutional help to get institutional results at this point. As best we can understand how to move forward we should make a:

FORMAL COMPLAINT to you as GBC Secretary that the Temple in Boise is not maintaining regular Srimad Bhagavatam classes for its members and should be put on probation as an ISKCON Temple.

We are making this complaint for what we see as the welfare of all concerned. We hope to learn from this situation. Our complaint may be wrong. We hope everyone takes this in a friendly capacity, and we hope working on this situation will have waves all across ISKCON.

We don't expect any quick results. If you can respond that as GBC Secretary for ISKCON Boise, you have received our Complaint and have asked the Temple President to Respond within 30-days that is fine for us. Very fine. Then we have a practical basis for institutional discussion of the matter.

We want a healthy institution, we want friendly dealings, we want to face our Guru Maharaja at the end of the day and say that we are trying to work properly in his institution and Sanga.

Again, as a Sannyasi, we try to only deal in these administrative matters in a general sense, so we are publishing all these communications on our Blog so our Students can hopefully how to deal with our very, very, very glorious institution ISKCON and deepen their relations as a Sadhu sanga also.
