DTC Sa(9)

7 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna!

AGTSP  ... Paoho..... Brown here!

We died and have gone to heaven, or somewhere like it. We answered all the mail up to three days old and only have like two letters left from our travels to India.

Our stupid car still has the same problem with the security system (won't unlock to start the engine very well) after getting it towed 35-miles to Franklin and paying $232 for a new battery. They said that was the only problem, but as soon as we go it here. The same problem.   Oooo!

But we will go ahead with whatever we have. If we have to abandon it as a $3000 mistake, O.K. We can see that now. Sometimes Krsna sends us lots of money and we have to make decision about it. Lao Tzu said that the emperor should conduct the affairs of state the same way that one should fry a small fish. We can fry small almonds. Don't waste money. Worry about making good decisions, but realize that every endeavor is covered with fault.
I know one big devotee. Big in his professional situation also. You know him too most likely. He disagreed with some of the ways his Temple President was running things, but he said that inspite of all of that he made decisions about big money matters and took responsibility. That takes guts, he said.

It is like that. So cold outside that we can't even really go into the other parts of the mobile home except for service, but warm in or little 15x15 foot cave.

We get lonely, bored, but we are also thankful for the chance to be alone. Traveling we get a lot of pressure, attention. In Mayapura maybe 600-people will pay their obeisances to us daily. Awk!   We try to reciprocate with them. We eat too many  pnuts and bananas (and jam), but we are improving, much less jam.

How are you?

We attended the:


Saturday Morning,


Bhaktivedanta Curriculim Development,


and it was nice.  So, nice. Seems like it will improve, in spite of our hypocrisy. Srivasa Pandita Das, Upendra ....

Then we did a power point show, Trash, that you can find by looking in the ASA Archives in the folder Trash as trash171209.pptx. That means 2017 december 9th. That one was about Kant.

Then we did another one that turned into the Syamantaka Jewel which is in the same place with the same address but a longer extension that indicates the time.

Wellllll. Is 5.08PM now. Sun has been gone since 4.30PM. Got several problems for tomorrow. Unless we connect with NGD (He has to go to the mental hospital most weekends also) we will just submerge in World Classical Literature with a little chanting of the Maha-Mantra, but will be BACK UP AND FIGHTING TOMORROW MORNING.

Hare Krsna.  Hare Krsna.

There is no doubt about it, many or most of our disciples are more advanced than we are, but the competition is not over yet.

Ha!   Ha!  Hare!

Lord Nrsmha deva is very kind to be our friend for so many years.

The process is good. It works. Our little Bhakti grows.

See you soon.

Hare Krsna. Hare Krsna!!   Fool Evening Program.